Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1040: Ruan Tang hates Zhao Guangyuan

   Chapter 1040 Ruan Tang hates Zhao Guangyuan

   Fengyi laughed angrily when she heard Zhao Guangyuan's words.

   She took the initiative to say, "You wouldn't be Zhao Yuting's biological father, would you? You and your daughter are so similar, you both like to throw dirty water on other people's heads.

   Zhao Yuting saved a man and stayed in the city health center to guard him. When you said it, Tangtang beat Zhao Yuting.

   You are also so old, a big man, how can you be so shameless? "

   Ruan Tang was amused by her.

  Fengyi has a gentle temperament, but when she encounters her, she is fierce like an old hen protecting her cubs.

   Zhao Guangyuan poured dirty water on her as soon as she came, can Fengyi not be angry?

   However, Zhao Guangyuan's face has changed a lot.

   used to look kinda friendly, but now it's just fierce.

   He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting's mother and daughter are really harmful.

  Wang Zhaodi also contributed a lot.

   At the beginning, she clearly helped He Xiuqing to do birth control, but this woman was still able to conceive and give birth to a child, which was definitely because of the medicine Wang Zhaodi gave Emperor Yong'an.

   However, although she did not want He Xiuqing to give birth to a child, when she found out about it, He Xiuqing was already pregnant.

   She can no longer help He Xiuqing get an abortion.

   So I didn't care after that.

  He Xiuqing gave birth to five daughters in succession, and now he is more and more impersonal.

   Zhao Guangyuan has always been patriarchal and wanted a son to carry on the lineage.

   Now that I have five more daughters, I'm afraid I'll die.

   But he was also tough. He didn't give away his daughter, and he took good care of him. He didn't kill anyone.

   is still a man.

   It's just his temperament, Feng Yi just scolded him, he's afraid he won't let it go.

   As soon as Ruan Tang thought of this, Zhao Guangyuan was angry.

   He glared at Feng Yi with a fierce expression: "What did the dead woman say? Are you looking for a fight?"

   actually dared to call him shameless!

   This woman is courting death!

   The muscles on Zhao Guangyuan's arm instantly bulged, as if he was about to start.

   Ruan Tang immediately stood in front of Fengyi and looked at Zhao Guangyuan displeasedly: "Zhao Guangyuan, what do you want to do? Yibao didn't talk nonsense, the whole village knows that Zhao Yuting saved a man.

   That man seemed to be quite rich. In order to take him to the city hospital, Zhao Yuting rushed to ask my fourth uncle for help.

  My dad heard that the man was seriously injured, and he kindly sent him to the city health center in need of first aid.

When    came back, he called Zhao Yuting specially, but she refused to come back, she wanted to stay there to guard the man.

  If you don’t believe me, go to the city health center now, and you will definitely find them. "

  The surrounding villagers also agreed.

   "Yes, Zhao Yuting saved a man."

   "The man seems to be from a big city. He has a watch on his wrist. It looks very valuable."

   "You are a big man, what's the point of bullying two little girls?"

   "Tangtang is from our Shanhe Village, how dare you try to touch her?"

   Zhao Guangyuan didn't dare to move.

   He was scolded by Fengyi just now, and he really wanted to do it in a hurry.

When the villagers said   , he calmed down and was secretly afraid.

   He is a big man. If he really beat up the two girls, it would be too ugly to hear.

   Even his job had to be lost.

   There are still five girls waiting to be fed at home, so he can't lose his job!

   Zhao Guangyuan said, "I will go to the city health center. If Zhao Yuting is not there, don't blame me for being rude!"

   Ruan Tang said firmly: "She must be there."

   Zhao Yuting is busy trying to curry favor with Jiang Tianyu, how could she be willing to let go of this golden tortoise-in-law?

   (end of this chapter)

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