Chapter 1060 Suspicious

   The driver was stunned when he heard the words, and some did not understand why Jiang Wenying said that.

   He said again: "I don't know why the car broke down. Now it can't start a fire. This place can't be found in front of the village or in the back. It's surrounded by barren mountains. I'm afraid it's not easy to handle.

   Jiang Wenying's expression instantly became extremely ugly.


   This is definitely a threat!

  This place is not located in front of the village or in the back of the store, and it is surrounded by barren mountains. If they were killed and their bodies were thrown into the mountains, who would know?

   Thinking of this, Jiang Wenying shuddered in her heart and said quickly, "Master Zhou, just say it directly, how much do you need to let us go?"

   The driver looked bewildered: "Why am I unwilling to let you go? Didn't I say it? The car is broken, and it can't be driven at all now!"

   Where can Jiang Wenying believe?

   He looked around again, and found that it was still pitch black, and he didn't see the robbers coming out, so he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

   If there are people in ambush around, shouldn’t it be time to come out?

  Why hasn't it come out?

   Could it be that this driver just wants money and doesn't intend to tear their face with them?

   That's right, that's for sure!

   After all, murder is a serious crime. Generally, robbers are for money, and they will not directly kill people.

   So they still have hope!

   Jiang Wenying said: "We really don't have much money with us, but as long as we return to Longjing safely, we can give you a big red envelope, what do you think?"

   The driver finally remembered when he heard this.

   Jiang Wenying is taking him for money!

   He was speechless for a while, and his face became ugly: "The car is really broken. If you don't believe me, try it yourself."

   After he finished speaking, he got out of the car, walked to the other side, and prepared to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

   Jiang Wenying didn't believe what he said. When he saw that he got out of the car, he immediately rolled to the driver's seat and wanted to start the car.

   He was so panicked that he hit him several times in the past, but he finally managed to sit up, only to find that the car would definitely not be able to drive!

   At this time, the driver opened the door and took the passenger seat.

   Seeing that Jiang Wenying was still there trying to start the car, he said, "I said it just now, the car has something wrong with it, and now it can't start, you still don't believe it."

   Now, Jiang Wenying and the three were dumbfounded.

   Jiang Tianyu was the most anxious.

   His foot is still injured, so he has to go back to the hospital in Longjing for surgery as soon as possible.

   Can not delay!

   In addition, he is young and vigorous, and he is a little impulsive.

   He still felt that there was something wrong with the driver, and he did this on purpose to force them to pay more money.

   So he said directly: "Master Zhou, just tell me how much you want. Is one thousand yuan enough? As long as you send us to Longjing safely, you will definitely benefit."

  The driver had already guessed their worries before, and he was holding back his anger.

   Hearing Jiang Tianyu say this again, his anger rose: "What do you mean, kid? I'm a serious driver, not a robber!

   This car suddenly broke down, I was still in a hurry, you are good, you actually regarded me as a robber. Does Lao Tzu look like that kind of person? Who are you insulting! "

   Du Yuehong was dissatisfied with what he said.

   She defended her son and quarreled directly with the driver: "How did you talk? Why do you say that about my son? Who knows if the car suddenly broke down and you did something secretly? What did my son say wrong?"

   (end of this chapter)

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