Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1061: This is so embarrassing

   Chapter 1061 This is too embarrassing

  Du Yuehong's temperament is inherently bad, and she always treats her son like an eyeball, how can she allow others to bully her son?

   What's more, he's still a lowly driver in her eyes!

   But the driver was not bullied by anyone, and he had nothing to do with the Jiang family. It was Jiang Wenying who asked for help, and someone else arranged the car and the driver.

   He is not familiar with Du Yuehong and others. Now that the car has broken down inexplicably, Jiang Wenying and Jiang Tianyu still regard him as a robber, how could he be willing to swallow it?

   After being scolded by Du Yuehong by pointing his nose, the driver and Du Yuehong started quarreling, and the quarrel became louder and louder, making Jiang Wenying and Jiang Tianyu head-snack.

   Jiang Tianyu even regretted saying what he said just now.

   His original intention was to negotiate a good price with the driver and let the driver go on the road as soon as possible. Who knew that Du Yuehong would actually quarrel with the driver!

   This driver is too aggressive!

  Jiang Tianyu was very dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to really annoy the driver, because he was afraid that the driver would choose to take risks on impulse, and he would be very dangerous.

   Jiang Tianyu hurriedly asked Jiang Wenying for help: "Uncle, think of a way, it won't work like this!"

  Jiang Wenying certainly knew that it would not go on like this.

   He tried the test car again and found that it still couldn't start, so he looked at the driver who was arguing with Du Yuehong.

  Although the light is too dim to see the driver's face at this time, but just listening to his voice, you can also guess how angry he is now, and it doesn't look like he has robbed the road.

   Jiang Wenying suddenly realized that he probably guessed wrong.

   This is so embarrassing.

   So he hurriedly stopped Du Yuehong: "Sister-in-law, stop talking!"

After    finished speaking, he said to the driver: "Master Zhou, calm down too, let's think of a way first.

  Look at the dark lights in this place. Cars can’t be parked here all the time. Should I find a way to ask someone for help? "

   The driver finally calmed down a bit, but his tone was still not good: "Then how do you ask for help?"

   Jiang Wenying said: "This... we are from Longjing, and we are not very familiar with this place.

  Master Zhou, if you don't think so, you can walk to the nearest village and see if there is a car or a tractor in the village. Pull the car into the city and find a place to repair it. "

   The driver shook his head as soon as he heard it: "No, I have to stay in the car to watch the car, you go."

  This car is not cheap. If you lose it, even if you sell it, he can't afford it!

   Jiang Wenying was even more reluctant.

   There are black lights everywhere, who knows what danger will be?

  Du Yuehong is a woman, Jiang Tianyu injured his foot again, and naturally he will not go.

   Finally decided to stay in the car and wait.

   When the car arrives, they will ask each other for help.

   Who would have thought that this wait will wait until dawn.

   After dawn, they finally waited for a garbage truck. After the other party received the money, they were willing to take them into the city.

   When I got to the place where the car was repaired, the repairman inside opened the hood to check, and was shocked on the spot.

   He asked the driver: "Your car has too many problems! How did you drive it?"

The    driver was also shocked: "Why is this? I'm driving normally, and I didn't mess around!"

  The car mechanic shook his head: "Then I don't know. Anyway, your car has a lot of problems. If you want to repair it, you need to replace a lot of parts, but it will cost a lot of money."

  The driver asked the number, and after the mechanic said it, the driver turned pale on the spot.

   So much money, where did he get it?

  This car doesn't belong to him either, he's the one driving it!

   (end of this chapter)

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