Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1121: Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen

   Chapter 1121 Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen

In the corner, Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen sat.

   Zhou Xiaoxue didn't plan to come, she couldn't hold this face down.

   But Zhang Yunwen insisted on coming, and said that she had offended Ruan Tang before and should apologize to Ruan Tang.

   can make Zhou Xiaoxue angry.

   But she couldn't beat Zhang Yunwen, so she had to follow.

   Otherwise, if she doesn't come, Zhang Yunwen will definitely come again. When he is alone, he still doesn't know what to do!

   She has to come and watch!

When    Ruan Tang and Xie Ci came out, Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen were dumbfounded and their moods were extremely complicated.

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci are top-notch in both appearance and temperament. How can they not be touched when they see it?

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at her shirt and trousers, as handsome as a god, thanking her, and she couldn't help but feel infinite remorse in her heart.

   She couldn't help looking at Zhang Yunwen and couldn't help comparing him with Xie Ci.

   The more the results are compared, the more disappointed she is.

  Xie Ci's appearance and temperament are much stronger than Zhang Yunwen.

   Zhang Yunwen's family background is very good, but for some reason, he was crushed completely in front of the thank-you from the mud leg.

   If Xie Ci is so extravagant as the noble son of a noble family in the book, Zhang Yunwen is like the servant next to the noble son.

  No, he is not even a servant.

   Zhou Xiaoxue couldn't help but be at a loss: Why did she fall in love with such a man in the first place? Obviously thank you is much better than him!

  If she had chosen Xie Ci, would she be the one standing beside Xie Ci now?

   Ruan Tang…

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at Ruan Tang reluctantly, the jealousy in her heart was like a venom that was spreading, and it quickly enveloped her whole body.

   Zhou Xiaoxue really didn't want to admit that Ruan Tang was beautiful, so she scolded her "fox spirit" through gritted teeth, her jealous eyes turning into sharp knives, making Ruan Tang lingering late.

   She glared at Ruan Tang as if masochistic, and she didn't want to look back.

   However, the more he looked, the more jealous he became.

   The more I look at it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

  Especially when she saw Xie Ci helping Ruan Tang to stop drinking, the jealousy in her heart devoured her at once.

   She didn't know how long she had been watching, until Zhang Yunwen's voice sounded in her ear, and she suddenly came back to her senses.

  I saw that Zhang Yunwen was looking at her displeasedly, his eyes full of warning: "Zhou Xiaoxue, what are you doing? Didn't you make enough trouble last time? Stop making trouble!"

   Hearing this, Zhou Xiaoxue felt as if she had been stabbed hard.

   She suddenly felt remorse and felt that she was simply blind.

   Mingming's thank you speech is much better than Zhang Yunwen, why did she fall in love with Zhang Yunwen?

  If what she saw was Xie Ci at first... Xie Ci must be hers now!

   As soon as this idea came up, it quickly took root and sprouted out countless poisonous thorns.

   The more Zhou Xiaoxue thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case, and even felt that Ruan Tang shamelessly stole the thank you speech that should have belonged to her!

   She is a female educated youth from the city, while Ruan Tang is just a country girl.

   If she was there, how could Xie Ci fall in love with Ruan Tang?

   So, it's all Ruan Tang's fault!

   This **** not only robbed the thank you, but now wants to rob Zhang Yunwen!

   Didn't Ruan Tang like Zhang Yunwen before and chased Zhang Yunwen all day long?

   She must not really like saying thank you!

   She doesn't deserve it at all!

   Zhou Xiaoxue hated the more she thought about it, and soon developed a poisonous plan in her heart.

   She narrowed her eyes and saw that Ruan Tang and Xie Cizheng were toasting table by table, and they were coming to their table soon, she quickly pinched herself.

   (end of this chapter)

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