Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1122: change of heart

   Chapter 1122 Change of Heart

   Zhou Xiaoxue looked at Ruan Tang and Xie Ci, and quickly made a decision in her heart.

   So she pinched herself on purpose to remind herself to calm down.

   She already knew that she was wrong, so she planned to make amends and grab the thank you back.

   Ruan Tang is not a good thing at all, she has to let Xie Ci see Ruan Tang's true face!

   Today is the day when Ruan Tang and Xie Ci got engaged, so she will give Ruan Tang a big gift!

   But Ruan Tang is very cunning, so she won't get caught easily, she has to lower her defenses.

  So, she must endure now!

   Zhou Xiaoxue made up her mind and began to wait for Ruan Tang and Xie Ci to come over to make a toast.

   Zhang Yunwen, who was sitting next to her, didn't know her plan. Seeing that she didn't speak, she thought she wanted to make trouble, so she said, "Zhou Xiaoxue, I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

   Zhou Xiaoxue has changed her mind now, Zhang Yunwen's former cinnabar mole is now a drop of mosquito blood to her!

   So she turned her head in dissatisfaction, glared at Zhang Yunwen, and said coldly, "I'm not deaf, you don't need to say so many times!"

   Zhang Yunwen was stunned for a moment, he did not expect Zhou Xiaoxue to have such an attitude.

   He was inexplicably flustered, so he frowned and looked at Zhou Xiaoxue dissatisfiedly: "Zhou Xiaoxue, what's the matter with you? Go back if you don't want to stay here, why don't you look at me, I'm not doing it for your own good!"

   Zhang Yunwen is very righteous, he thinks so anyway.

   Zhou Xiaoxue provoked Ruan Tang several times, but when did she take advantage of it?

   It’s not always a loss.

   When Ruan Tang came back that day, Zhou Xiaoxue made trouble once. In the end, she didn't take advantage of anything, and she herself made a big ugly.

   Since then, there have been many people in the village pointing and pointing.

   Zhou Xiaoxue is not sensible at all.

   What else does she want to make trouble for?

   Don't you think the last time was not ashamed enough?

   The more Zhang Yunwen thought about it, the more dissatisfied he became, and he couldn't help but make up his mind that if Zhou Xiaoxue continued like this, he would break up with Zhou Xiaoxue!

As soon as the idea of ​​   came up, Zhang Yunwen couldn't help but want to break up with Zhou Xiaoxue now.

   He didn't like Zhou Xiaoxue at all, but Zhou Xiaoxue always liked him and did a lot of things for him.

   He couldn't bear to make Zhou Xiaoxue sad, so he reluctantly accepted her and had a close relationship with her.

   But since Zhou Xiaoxue had a relationship with him, her temperament changed and she started to lose her temper frequently.

   After Ruan Tang came back this time, Zhou Xiaoxue went even further.

   She was just embarrassing herself, and she also implicated him.

   No, he has to break up with Zhou Xiaoxue.

   Can't go on like this.

   They should have broken up long ago.

   If he broke up with Zhou Xiaoxue early in the morning, would Ruan Tang accept him?

   Didn't she like him very much before?

  Zhang Yunwen looked at Ruan Tang subconsciously, and after seeing her perfect body with bumps, she only felt that her whole body was getting hot.

   Zhou Xiaoxue quickly noticed that something was wrong with him.

   Zhang Yunwen's face was getting redder and redder, and his eyes were still looking straight at Ruan Tang. She is not blind, how could she not see?

   Zhou Xiaoxue was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth, and when she saw Ruan Tang not far away, she laughed coldly again.

   She knew that Ruan Tang was not a good thing at all.

   Dressed like that on purpose, isn't it just trying to seduce men?

  In this case, she will fulfill her!

   Zhou Xiaoxue swept his eyes and looked at everyone's reaction.

   Soon, she found her target and raised the corners of her lips proudly.

   (end of this chapter)

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