Chapter 1123 The woman who made the death

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci toasted table by table, and soon came to the table of Zhou Xiaoxue and Zhang Yunwen.

   Seeing the two of them, Ruan Tang's eyes flashed slightly, and then he took his thanks and left as if nothing had happened.

   bypassed their table and headed outside.

   Zhou Xiaoxue was dumbfounded. She was still waiting for Ruan Tang and Xie Ci to toast her. How could this be?

   Seeing that the two of them were about to go far away, Zhou Xiaoxue couldn't help it. She stood up suddenly and called Ruan Tang in dissatisfaction: "Ruan Tang, we haven't toasted at this table yet!"

   Ruan Tang and Xie Ci heard the words, then turned around and looked at Zhou Xiaoxue.

   Zhou Xiaoxue was a little proud.

   What if Ruan Tang doesn't want to toast her? She wanted Ruan Tang to give her a toast!

  I want to fool the past, but there is no door!

   Now she's just screaming, it just depends on how Ruan Tang fools!

   Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing when she saw the maliciousness in her eyes: "Sorry, I'm not familiar with you. If you're drunk, go to the bar to wake up. It's not good for a girl to be drunk in public."

   As soon as these words came out, everyone around looked at Zhou Xiaoxue with ridicule in their eyes.

   Thinking of the farce a few days ago, the eyes they looked at Zhou Xiaoxue were naturally full of schadenfreude.

   Many people were very disdainful, especially the women present.

   Although Ruan Tang is beautiful, she has been away for two years after all, and it doesn't look like she will stay in the village. It is estimated that she will return to the county town soon.

   Therefore, although the women were somewhat hostile to her and worried that she was too beautiful to seduce their own men, their hostility towards her was not as serious as their hostility towards Zhou Xiaoxue.

   Zhou Xiaoxue is also good-looking, although she can't compare with Ruan Tang, but after Ruan Tang and Ruan Yuting both left, she is considered to be the only one in this village.

   Although her facial features are not the most beautiful, she is from the city after all. She is literate, and her temperament is different from that of girls in the village.

   Ruan Tang and Ruan Yuting are gone, the boys in the village are getting bigger and bigger, why don't you just stare at Zhou Xiaoxue?

   There are also men, who also look at Zhou Xiaoxue from time to time.

   Zhou Xiaoxue is from the city and is rather squeamish. The boys in the village help her a lot.

   She didn't object either.

   But if someone pursues her and wants to have **** with her, she is rejected by her.

   It’s just a matter of rejecting it harshly, and she refused to do so bluntly, only saying that she was still young and didn’t think about it.

   Isn't this clearly hanging people on purpose?

   The women in the village were naturally angry.

  So seeing that she was going to make a fool of herself again today, many people gloat over the misfortune and want to see a good show.

   Ruan Tang didn't care what these people thought, she turned around and continued to walk out after saying that.

   As a result, Zhou Xiaoxue refused to give up.

   She continued: "Ruan Tang, you misunderstood, I'm not drunk, and I'm not playing crazy. I just think that today is your big day, and I want to toast with you.

  You have toasted at other tables, but when you get to my table, you refuse to accept it. Is it because you are still angry and refuse to forgive me? "

   Ruan Tang was completely speechless.

   She didn't want to make trouble with Zhou Xiaoxue, but Zhou Xiaoxue was clinging to her.

   She turned around again and said bluntly, "Are you sure, you want to apologize to me?"

Although    was only a very simple sentence, Zhou Xiaoxue felt that her face was hot, as if she had been slapped.

   Aware of the gazes coming from all directions, she felt that Ruan Tang was doing it on purpose.

   But thinking of her own plan, she still decided to endure it!

   (end of this chapter)

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