Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1124: Ruan Tang was completely angry

   Chapter 1124 Ruan Tang is completely angry

   Zhou Xiaoxue tried her best to endure, and a smile appeared on her face: "Ruan Tang, I really want to apologize to you."

   Ruan Tang looked at her face with a funny look, and said directly: "Zhou Xiaoxue, I think it's better for you to look in the mirror first."

   Zhou Xiaoxue's face became even more distorted in an instant. She felt that Ruan Tang was deliberately insulting her, so she said angrily: "Ruan Tang, what do you mean? I came here to congratulate you today, but you deliberately humiliated me!"

   "Oh, so you came here to congratulate me." Ruan Tang laughed sarcastically, "However, what do you mean by saying I deliberately humiliated you? When did I humiliate you?"

Zhou Xiaoxue consciously grabbed Ruan Tang's handle, and said excitedly: "You just said to let me look in the mirror, but now you don't admit it? Ruan Tang, when did you become like this? refuse to admit it?"

   As she said, she looked at Xie Ci, wanting to see Xie Ci's reaction.

   Ruan Tang is so excessive, have you seen the thank you speech? Does he regret being engaged to Ruan Tang?

   However, at this look, she met Xie Ci's cold eyes.

   That look made her feel cold all over, as if she had fallen into an ice hole on a cold day.

   Zhou Xiaoxue's mood instantly became complicated.

   After the panic, there is a strong unwillingness.

  Why did Xie Ci look at her like this?

   Can't he see that it's Ruan Tang, right?

   Or did he just like Ruan Tang so much that he even gave up principles for her?

   Obviously Ruan Tang was wrong, but he came to blame her!

  Why? !

   In what way is she better than Ruan Tang?

   Is it because Ruan Tang has a pretty face?

   She just didn't dress up. If she dresses up well, wouldn't she be worse than Ruan Tang?

   Zhou Xiaoxue will never admit that she is not as beautiful as Ruan Tang.

   So she looked at Xie Ci with very sad eyes.

   This completely annoyed Ruan Tang.

   It's enough to pester her, but you still want to seduce her to say goodbye in front of her?

   Zhou Xiaoxue What kind of eyes are those?

   Xie Ci has nothing to do with her, don't make it seem like Xie Ci has abandoned her all the time, okay!

   Ruan Tang sneered directly: "Zhou Xiaoxue, don't you think it's funny that you came to me to apologize?

   I asked you to look in the mirror and you thought I was humiliating you? You're really going to add drama to yourself!

  I asked you to look in the mirror, just to let you see for yourself what the expression on your face is distorted!

   Originally, the visitor today is a guest. If you are willing to come, I have no intention of arguing with you.

   But you want to stand up and trouble me, and you blame me for not toasting you. Do you think you are here to apologize?

  Since you are dissatisfied with me, then please go out immediately, neither I nor Xie Ci welcomes you! "

   Zhou Xiaoxue was not reconciled, and subconsciously retorted: "Thank you without saying anything, why do you say he doesn't welcome me?"

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people present changed.

  Children don't know much, so they just stare blankly.

  The bigger ones are different.

  No one is a fool, how could they not understand what Zhou Xiaoxue meant?

   She said this on purpose, clearly because she was interested in thanking her, and she wanted to sow discord!

   This is overkill.

   Even some women who are afraid of Ruan Tang's beauty are dissatisfied with Zhou Xiaoxue.

   "Bah! It's shameless! It's still an educated youth from the city!"

   "It's no wonder that he was always targeting Ruan Tang. It turned out that he was jealous of the thank you speech."

   "Today is Xie Ci and Ruan Tang's engagement banquet, she actually came to make trouble!"

   (end of this chapter)

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