Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1128: almost killed her

   Chapter 1128 Almost killed her

   Zhang Yunwen looked at Zhou Xiaoxue suspiciously.

   It stands to reason that he is so careful, Zhou Xiaoxue should not be pregnant.

  Why did Ruan Tang say children?

   Could it be that Zhou Xiaoxue has it?

   Then how did she get pregnant?

   Difficulty, Zhou Xiaoxue is not only with him...

   Yes, there have been many people who have been courting Zhou Xiaoxue in the past two years.

  Will Zhou Xiaoxue and any of them…

   Once a thought like this arises, it can no longer be controlled.

   Zhang Yunwen imagined such a scene, and felt extremely disgusting in his heart, and there was a strong sense of humiliation that his own things were sullied by others.

   So he glanced suspiciously at Zhou Xiaoxue's belly and asked again, "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"

   Zhou Xiaoxue was extremely dissatisfied by his suspicious eyes.

   But she didn't expect that Zhang Yunwen's brain would be so big, and she was already suspecting that she had a relationship with another man.

   She just thought that Zhang Yunwen didn't want her to get pregnant and exposed their relationship, so she disliked her.

   Zhou Xiaoxue was immediately furious.

   She pushed Zhang Yunwen hard, then sneered: "Zhang Yunwen, what are you doubting? Do you think you are very powerful? You want me to get pregnant with your little skill?

   It's just Ruan Tang talking nonsense, you actually believe this kind of nonsense! What do you usually do yourself, have you forgotten? If I could get pregnant, I should be pregnant by now! Can you wait until now? "

  Zhang Yunwen was suspicious of Zhou Xiaoxue. He was a man and was very sensitive to this kind of thing.

   So when he heard Zhou Xiaoxue's sarcastic words, Zhang Yunwen was completely annoyed and angry.

   He glared at Zhou Xiaoxue fiercely, thinking that she must be hanging out with another man!

   If it wasn't for another man, how could she say such vulgar words?

   Actually... It's not good to despise him!

   is really outrageous!

   Zhang Yunwen became angrier the more he thought about it, raised his hand and gave Zhou Xiaoxue a slap.

   Zhou Xiaoxue was staggered by his beating and almost lost her footing. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yunwen suddenly rushed towards her viciously and strangled her neck frantically: "You slutty slut, I will strangle you to death!"

   Zhou Xiaoxue was pinched by him and rolled his eyes instantly, struggling in a hurry.

   She doesn't want to die, not at all!

   She is still so young!

   Zhang Yunwen actually wanted to kill her!

   This lunatic!

   Zhou Xiaoxue was frightened and angry at the same time. She felt black in front of her eyes, and her throat hurt so badly, as if she would die at any time.

   So under the strong desire to survive, she suddenly raised her knee and hit Zhang Yunwen's key.

   Zhang Yunwen screamed in pain, released his hand instantly, and arched his body.

   Zhou Xiaoxue pushed him away, fearing that he would come to kill her again, so he kicked Zhang Yunwen hard again.

   When Zhang Yunwen was kicked for the first time, he screamed and fell to the ground, shrinking and unable to resist.

After    Zhou Xiaoxue kicked several times, he screamed terribly.

   was so frightened that Zhou Xiaoxue didn't dare to continue kicking, and quickly turned around and ran.

   She ran out of the woods, feeling the severe pain in her neck, but she still felt scared.

   Zhang Yunwen actually wanted to kill her!

   That lunatic!

   She almost died just now!

   No, she can't let Zhang Yunwen go.

   And the **** Ruan Tang!

   If it wasn't for her nonsense, how could Zhang Yunwen attack her?

   It's so vicious to actually spread rumors that she is pregnant!

   How could there be a child in her belly!

   (end of this chapter)

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