Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1129: Zhou Xiaoxue's poison

   Chapter 1129 Zhou Xiaoxue's Poison

   Zhou Xiaoxue never believed that she would be pregnant.

   How careful Zhang Yunwen is, can she not know?

   In fact, she is also very careful.

   The conditions in the countryside are too harsh, and she and Zhang Yunwen have not obtained a certificate. If she is pregnant, her relationship with Zhang Yunwen will not be able to hide.

   Even if the marriage certificate is made up, the villagers will point at them, and it will even be more difficult to live with a big belly in the future.

   So they are very careful.

   Haven't been pregnant for two years.

   How is it possible to get pregnant now?

   In order to slander her, Ruan Tang really can use any tricks! If that's the case, then she doesn't have to worry anymore.

   "Ruan Tang, you brought this on yourself! You were the one who slandered me first with your sublime means. If that's the case, then don't blame me for using your subordinate means against you!"

   Zhou Xiaoxue gritted her teeth and said this, then left with a sneer.

   Ruan Tang dressed up like a goblin today, I don't know how many men she seduced.

   So, all of this was done by Ruan Tang.

   No wonder she.

   Zhou Xiaoxue went back to the educated youth point first, and quickly wrote two notes before the others came back.

   Worried that the handwriting would be recognized, she also deliberately imitated the handwriting.

After    wrote the note, she smiled proudly and took the note out the door.

   Hiding all the way, for fear of being seen.

   So she deliberately chose a path where no one was there, carefully avoiding people.

  Fortunately, it was still early, and the villagers who went to the feast had not returned, so she walked all the way and did not meet anyone.

   Finally, she came to a dilapidated thatched house.

  The house is made of earthen walls, the walls have been cracked, and the thatch on the top is also painted black. It can be seen that it has not been replaced for a long time.

   This house lives in Zhang Facai, a well-known old bachelor in the village. Because he is delicious and lazy, and looks ugly, he is almost forty and can't even talk about his daughter-in-law.

   Zhou Xiaoxue believes that Zhang Facai will definitely be very interested in Ruan Tang.

  If Zhang Facai put Ruan Tang to sleep, she would not believe her thank you and still want her!

   She walked under the window and looked around vigilantly. When she found that no one saw it, she immediately took out the prepared note, quickly kneaded it into a ball, and prepared to throw it in.

   The note said that Zhang Facai was asked to meet in the woods in the back mountain, and the signature was Ruan Tang!

   However, what Zhou Xiaoxue didn't notice was that there was a faint black aura lingering around her all the time.

   Just as she threw the ball of paper, there was a thin line of black air, and it was entangled in the ball of paper.

   So right after she threw the note in, the ball of paper instantly turned to ashes.

   At the same time, the black energy from Zhou Xiaoxue suddenly poured into her eyebrows.

   She originally planned to leave after throwing the paper balls, but as soon as she turned around, she found that her body was out of her control again!

   Zhou Xiaoxue instinctively realized that this situation was wrong.

   She panicked instantly, desperately trying to regain control of her body.

   But it's useless.

   Her body actually walked towards the door of Zhang Facai's room, and even pushed the door open!

   Zhou Xiaoxue was terrified and frantically wanted to stop her body.


  Can't go in!

   Absolutely cannot go in!

  Why is this happening?

   Why is her body out of control?

   Is she having a nightmare?

  Who will save her!

   Zhou Xiaoxue screamed frantically in her heart, but her body walked into Zhang Facai's room.

   Then she was horrified to find that Zhang Fa Cai was actually lying on the bed!

How could this be?

   Didn't he go to Ruan's house for a feast?

   Just then, Zhang Facai, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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