Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1149: Looking for trouble with Ruan Tang

   Chapter 1149 Looking for trouble with Ruan Tang

   The young man's name is Zhou Qiming, and this time he went with his partner to go to relatives.

  It stands to reason that if you encounter a tough situation, you just need to change to another compartment. There is no need to fight hard with people.

   But thinking of Ruan Tang's appearance, he was unwilling to give up.

   So he saw that the middle-aged woman was also very unwilling, and after it was obvious that he wanted to do something, he went with the flow.

   If the other party can really help him, he will have a chance to get close to the beautiful girl just now.

   The middle-aged woman heard Zhou Qiming's miserable betrayal, and immediately complained for him: "It's too much! Let's go, I'll help you get the sleeper back!"

   Zhou Qiming is waiting for this sentence!

   He was proud in his heart, but said on his face: "This...let's forget it, I think they are quite fierce, in case they hit you..."

   The middle-aged woman was even more angry: "I don't believe they really dare to beat me!"

  She Lin Chunxiu has never suffered such an insult!

   The dead girl has no manners at all, she still looks like a fox, let's see how she cleans up that girl later!

  Lin Chunxiu's eyes flashed a bit of viciousness, and he shouted: "Go, I'll help you get the sleeper back, and see if they dare to drive you out!"

   Who knew that just as she took a step, she suddenly fell to the ground and rolled, knocking Zhou Qiming and his partner to the ground!

   Now, all the passengers who were secretly watching the excitement around were dumbfounded.

   Where did this God unfold?

   Okay, why did it fall?

  This is a train, not a bus!

  How can you fall while walking?

   Some people are curious, and some people are gloating.

   The words of Ruan Tang and Xie Ci just now pulled them all into the water.

   And the culprits are Lin Chunxiu, who ran out to fight the injustice, and Zhou Qiming, who obviously wanted to take advantage of his partner!

   Passengers saw that Ruan Tang and Xie Ci were very imposing and did not dare to provoke them.

   I don't like Lin Chunxiu and the others.

   They originally wanted to see Lin Chunxiu go to Ruan Tang's troubles, but who knew that Lin Chunxiu was so useless, he could throw himself away when he walked.

   After seeing this scene, the passengers had different thoughts.

   There are gloating, but there are also disappointments.

  Fortunately, Lin Chunxiu didn't know their thoughts at all at this moment, otherwise he would have been **** to death!

   However, Lin Chunxiu was also uncomfortable.

  She is in her 40s this year and has already gained weight.

   This time, she took a hard fall, but it made her miserable.

   She didn't even know how she fell, but she only remembered that she tripped over something.

   So after she stopped, she couldn't wait to look at the spot where she just fell, trying to find out what tripped her up.

   Who knew it was not found!

   After looking around, I didn't see anything suspicious.

   So what tripped her up?

   Could it be that someone stretched out their feet on purpose?

  Lin Chunxiu looked around suspiciously.

   At this time, the movement on their side attracted the conductor.

  The conductor came over and saw that someone had fallen, and immediately asked, "What happened? Did you fight?"

   This conductor was a man. While he was questioning, he looked at Zhou Qiming suspiciously.

   A total of three people fell to the ground, except for Zhou Qiming, the remaining two were women.

   That's why he suspected that the three were fighting.

   And Zhou Qiming is a man, so he is the biggest threat!

   Zhou Qiming noticed the conductor's eyes and wanted to vomit blood.

  What's the matter with him?

   He is clearly the victim!

   Zhou Qiming quickly explained: "We didn't fight, she suddenly fell and hit us."

   (end of this chapter)

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