Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1150: Who is the one?

   Chapter 1150 Who will it be?

   The conductor looked at Lin Chunxiu: "This eldest sister, is what he said true?"

  Lin Chunxiu was so embarrassed that her face was even more ugly.

   She struggled to get up from the ground, but found that her ankle seemed to be twisted, and it hurt badly as soon as she moved.

   Angrily she shouted: "Someone tripped me on purpose!"

   As soon as these words came out, the conductor's expression changed.

   Accidental fall, or being deliberately tripped, these are two properties!

  If someone really tripped over Lin Chunxiu on purpose, it would be too much!

   So he quickly asked, "Then do you know who tripped you?"

  Lin Chunxiu's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth unwillingly and said, "Although I didn't see it, it must be someone nearby!"

   This time, he offended all the people nearby.

   They didn't want to be wronged by Lin Chunxiu, so they immediately stood up and said that they had never done it.

  The conductor was in trouble.

   They all say that they have never done it, so who tripped Lin Chunxiu?

   He had to ask Lin Chunxiu again: "This eldest sister, are you really sure that someone tripped you?"

  Lin Chunxiu was dissatisfied: "Of course I'm sure! If someone hadn't deliberately stretched out their feet to trip me, how could I have fallen to the ground?"

   She said it very firmly, but it made the people around her suspicious.

   Could it be that someone tripped her on purpose?

Who is the one?

   Everyone looked at each other, and finally all looked at the person closest to where Lin Chunxiu stumbled.

   It was a man in his thirties who looked quite ordinary.

   Seeing everyone looking at him, he became anxious: "What are you looking at me for? Do you still think I tripped her? I didn't do it!"

   As soon as he finished saying this, Lin Chunxiu looked at him angrily: "Yes, it must be you! You are the closest, who are you?"

   However, the man is not easy to bully, and he was also angry: "Hey, this eldest sister, please don't wrong me! I don't know you, why did I deliberately trip you up?"

   The two quarreled like this, making the conductor's head dizzy.

   Seeing that the two quarreled so much, he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

   turned to look at Zhou Qiming and his partner Ye Qiong.

   Ye Qiong couldn't stay any longer, so he secretly pinched Zhou Qiming several times and urged him to leave.

   Zhou Qiming has been reluctant to leave, and wants to continue to take advantage of it!

   Seeing the conductor looking over, Ye Qiong immediately became nervous. Her cheeks were not as thick as Zhou Qiming's, and the conductors were wearing uniforms, which made her a little embarrassed, so she was afraid of being seen through by the conductors.

   Zhou Qiming is thick-skinned and courageous.

   When the conductor looked at him, he was still smiling.

As soon as the conductor saw the luggage at their feet, he frowned and asked with a serious face, "What's the matter with you? What time is it? Why don't you go to your seats? Who told you to put your luggage? Leave it on the aisle? You put all your luggage here, how can you leave the aisle?"

   Ye Qiong felt guilty instantly, but didn't say anything, just buried her head and waited for Zhou Qiming to solve it.

   Before Zhou Qiming could speak, the man who had just quarreled with Lin Chunxiu suddenly said: "He said they bought two soft sleeper tickets, but they were stolen, so he made up for the standing tickets and came here to try their luck.

   But someone kicked them out just now, and they said they bought the bunks and bunks and refused to give them to them, so they stayed here and refused to leave. "

   When the conductor heard this, his expression changed instantly.

   (end of this chapter)

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