Chapter 1164 Two soul bodies

   Ruan Mingyi is not stupid, he subconsciously recalled what Ruan Tang emphasized.

   Actually, he also felt that Gu Yuntong had changed.

   Not only him, but also the princes felt the same way.

   It's just that he never thought about feudal superstition before, he just thought it was useless for Gu Yuntong to dislike him, so after meeting Xu Tianlang who was much better than him, he changed his mind.

   did not expect that Ruan Tang would say such things to him.


   Is Ruan Tang serious?

  But...isn't this kind of thing a feudal superstition? How can it be true?

   Ruan Mingyi pondered for a long time, recalling the sweetness with Gu Yuntong in the past, and the hurtful words that Gu Yuntong said now, and he couldn't help but feel a bit of luck in his heart.

   He looked around vigilantly again, and then asked Ruan Tang in a low voice, "Tang Tang, what did you mean when you said borrowing the corpse to bring back the soul?"

   "It means literally." Ruan Tang's voice was also very low, but she used voice transmission to enter the secret, so Ruan Mingyi could hear it clearly.

She continued, "Now Gu Yuntong has two souls, one is the one who is currently leading, and the other is relatively weak. Looking at the appearance of the soul, the weak one is the real Gu Yuntong. The one who is leading now, It's foreign."

   Ruan Mingyi was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't even bother to think how Ruan Tang knew about this, but hurriedly asked: "Tangtang, you mean, the real Tongtong is weak now, and today's one is fake?"

   Ruan Tang nodded: "That's what it means. Gu Yuntong's soul is very weak now, and I'm afraid it won't be long before she will be swallowed by outsiders, or dissipated."

   She thought for a while, and then added: "Gu Yuntong's soul body should be able to see everything that happens outside. If the fake person tells you those words, she will definitely be affected when she sees it."

   As for whether the impostor deliberately said those words to stimulate the real Gu Yuntong and make Gu Yuntong weaker and weaker, Ruan Tang is still uncertain.

   Anyway, she especially despised that impostor.

   As soon as the counterfeit came, he justly regarded himself as the righteous master. Because he didn't like Ruan Mingyi, he wanted to kick him away and find a better one.

   This is really disgusting for the real Gu Yuntong and Ruan Mingyi.

  The two were fine, but because she robbed Gu Yuntong's body, they were abruptly torn apart, and Ruan Mingyi was slandered by her as a pervert who liked men, almost ruining his reputation.

   This is disgusting.

   Even if you really don't like it and want to break up, you have to get together and leave, right?

   What's more, the counterfeit itself is an outsider.

   Her actions are even more disgusting than Xiao San!

   Ruan Mingyi was probably devastated by shock, and couldn't recover for a long time.

   After a while, he asked cautiously, "Tangtang, how do you know this?"

   In fact, Ruan Mingyi is very tangled now.

   He wanted to believe Ruan Tang's words, but he was afraid that Ruan Tang was deliberately lying to him in order to make him feel better.

   But he was worried that what Ruan Tang said was true, the real Gu Yuntong was suffering at the moment, and even became very weak, and maybe he would be swallowed up by the fake.

   So he wanted to ask, how did Ruan Tang know?

   Is it possible that what she said is true?

   If it is true, since she has seen it, is there a way to save Gu Yuntong?

   Ruan Tang stopped and looked at Ruan Mingyi sincerely: "You are my cousin, I won't lie to you about this kind of thing."

   (end of this chapter)

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