Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1165: the worst person

   Chapter 1165 The Worst Person

   When Ruan Mingyi heard Ruan Tang's words, the balance in his heart shifted instantly. He looked at Ruan Tang excitedly: "So what you said is true? Tongtong she... Did something really happen to her?"

   Ruan Tang nodded: "That's right, and she must be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise she will be very dangerous."

As soon as Ruan Mingyi heard that Gu Yuntong was in danger, he immediately asked, "Then how can we save her? Since you can see it, can you...will this matter hurt you?"

   Ruan Tang said: "I can try, but you have to think of a way to get her out as soon as possible, and we will find a place to start."

   Ruan Mingyi can't wait to save Gu Yuntong now, and naturally he won't refuse.

   He said quickly: "That's fine, I'll go find her right away."

After    finished speaking, he remembered that Ruan Tang was going to the department store, so he asked again, "By the way, are you still going to the department store? If you go, I...I'll take you there first."

   When it came to the end, he visibly hesitated.

   Obviously, he wants to find Gu Yuntong more now.

   Ruan Tang didn't feel angry.

  If something like this happened to Jiang Chunshui and the others, she would definitely not be able to wait to save people, why would she still want to go to the department store?

   So she said directly: "You go to Gu Yuntong first, Xie and I just resign. Anyway, the two of us don't have to worry about getting lost."

   Ruan Mingyi couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

But he thought of what Ruan Tang had just said, and was really worried about Gu Yuntong, so he scratched his hair and said embarrassedly: "Then, I... I'll go to Tongtong first, as long as I save her, I will accompany you every day in the future. Anything."

   As soon as these words came out, Xie Ci's face instantly darkened.

   He said unhappily, "I'll just accompany Tangtang, you can find someone quickly."

   Ruan Mingyi saw him with a dark face, and then he remembered that Ruan Tang already had a partner, so why should he be with him?

   When he said that, people must be unhappy.

   So he hurriedly said: "That's fine, I'll go find Tongtong. When I save her, I'll treat you to a big meal every day!"

   He was really anxious, so after saying this, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and quickly turned around and left.

   At first he was just walking, and after a few steps he started running.

   It can be seen how anxious I am.

  Ruan Tang raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but smile: "Tsk tsk, it seems that he is still worried."

  Xie reluctantly sneered: "He is also useless, he didn't find out if his girlfriend changed."

   Ruan Tang shook his head: "I can't blame him for that, who would think about that in a normal person?"

  The ancients were superstitious. If Gu Yuntong was in this situation in ancient times, or in a particularly superstitious village, he would definitely be possessed by people as a monster.

  However, in the past few years to combat feudal superstition, Ruan Mingyi grew up in the city, so naturally he would not think about it in that way.

   will only feel that Gu Yuntong has changed his mind.

   So the worst thing was Gu Yuntong, her body was taken over by a lonely ghost, but she wasn't dead yet, so she could only watch helplessly as no one in her family found out, and continued to spoil the fake.

   That counterfeit is still the best, I don't know how much anger she gave her family and boyfriend.

   She couldn't help, and was getting weaker and weaker.

   Fortunately, the counterfeit has a good eye, not the kind of rambunctious.

  Otherwise, Gu Yuntong is afraid that he will not be able to hold on to it at all, and he will be **** to death by the counterfeit goods.

   Ruan Tang shook his head again: "He's looking for someone this time, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, let's go shopping first."

   (end of this chapter)

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