Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1178: feel like I'm dying

   Chapter 1178 I feel like I'm dying

   Ruan Mingyi and Gu Yuntong were recently tossed by the fake Gu Yun, and they almost died.

   Now that Gu Yuntong has finally recovered, the two of them excitedly held on to talk for a while, and even Ruan Tang and Xie Ci were ignored by them.

   Ruan Tang knew their difficulties and had been waiting silently by the side. Who would have guessed that the two of them would talk endlessly there like no one else.

   She couldn't stand it any longer.

   So she interrupted the two of them: "What do you have to say later, let's deal with Xu Tianlang first."

   Ruan Mingyi and Gu Yuntong, who were holding hands to express their sincere affection: "…"

   The two of them froze as if the pause button was pressed.

   After a while, the two suddenly separated as if they had suddenly reacted.

  's face was also getting redder.

   Ruan Mingyi said embarrassedly: "Tangtang, we... we just..."

   Ruan Tang knew that he was embarrassed, so he really wanted to let him continue, maybe he couldn't say it for a long time, so he simply interrupted him: "Well, I know, now I will solve Xu Tianlang first."

   Ruan Mingyi then looked at Xu Tianlang.

   Seeing Xu Tianlang sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, his expression changed, and he quickly asked, "How will he solve it?"

   After the previous impostor named Gu Yun broke up with him, he got very close to this Xu Tianlang, which meant that even a fool could see it.

   Ruan Mingyi watched every day, naturally he couldn't like this Xu Tianlang in his heart.

   What he is worried about now is that Xu Tianlang will pester Gu Yuntong in the future.

   Although Gu Yunxian provoked him, he had nothing to do with Gu Yuntong. But the matter of Gu Yun's revival by borrowing a corpse must not be said, otherwise how will others look at Gu Yuntong?

   So this matter can only be hidden in the heart, and no one can tell it except a few close people.

  Xu Tianlang is just an outsider, he must not be told.

   If he pestered Gu Yuntong, it would be troublesome.

   Ruan Mingyi looked at Ruan Tang subconsciously and wanted to ask her if she could do anything, but was too embarrassed to say it.

   Ruan Tang saw Ruan Mingyi's hesitation, but he had two points of affection for him.

  This cousin has a sense of proportion. He didn't ask her to help just because of her ability.

   So she took the initiative to say: "He will forget Gu Yuntong."

   Ruan Mingyi and Gu Yuntong were stunned for a moment, then heaved a sigh of relief.

   Forget it, forget it, they don't want to be remembered by Xu Tianlang.

   was originally a bad relationship, and the person who had contact with Xu Tianlang before was not Gu Yuntong, so Xu Tianlang would forget that part, no matter who he was.

   Gu Yuntong thanked Ruan Tang gratefully: "Your name is Tangtang, right? Thank you so much this time. If you hadn't helped me, I might have..."

   Having said this, she reacted suddenly and did not dare to continue.

   She had a feeling before, she always felt that she was about to die.

   But if Ruan Mingyi and his parents knew about this, they would definitely be terrified.

   Ruan Mingyi felt a little uneasy when he saw Gu Yuntong suddenly stop.

   Although he couldn't see anything just now, when Ruan Tang spoke, he heard it.

   He didn't know what would happen to Gu Yuntong if Ruan Tang didn't act.

   But he knew that when Ruan Tang didn't come, Gu Yun was always in control of this body.

   If Ruan Tang doesn't appear, will Gu Yun keep it under control?

   Ruan Mingyi became more uneasy the more he thought about it, and subconsciously grabbed Gu Yuntong's hand.

  Only in this way can he feel more at ease.

   (end of this chapter)

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