Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1179: Will something happen to him?

   Chapter 1179 Will something happen to him?

   Ruan Mingyi asked Ruan Tang anxiously: "Tangtang, is Tongtong all right? There won't be anything in the future, right?"

   Ruan Tang gave Gu Yuntong a deep look. Seeing that she was also very upset, she nodded: "Well, it's alright, you don't have to worry."

   Actually, Gu Yuntong had this kind of thing happen, the soul body is a little unstable, and it is easy to encounter this kind of thing in the future.

   However, these two people are obviously very scared now. If she says it, they are afraid that they will not sleep well at night.

   It is better to hide it first.

   Ruan Tang took out a jade Buddha necklace and handed it to Gu Yuntong: "It's good for you to wear it."

The    necklace is carved with jadeite. Although it is not the top glass type of imperial green, it is also the level of Zhengyang green, which is very moist and beautiful.

  Gu Yuntong fell in love with just one glance, but she also had some eyesight, so she hesitated: "This...this thing is very precious, right? I..."

   She wanted to give money, but worried that it would be too emotional, so she swallowed the money and thought about what to send back.

   Ruan Mingyi also saw it, but after hesitating for a while, he accepted it cheekily, and put it on Gu Yuntong himself.

   Just now Ruan Tang said that wearing this thing is good for Gu Yuntong, and he felt that what he said had some deep meaning.

   And I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that the jade Buddha was very well carved and looked alive.

   If it was before, he would definitely not believe this.

   But Gu Yuntong just encountered that kind of thing, he can't believe it anymore.

   Those things should be afraid of Buddha statues, right?

   But, this jade is too beautiful, I'm afraid it's expensive, he can't take advantage of his cousin, he has to think about it.

  Gu Yuntong was also a little worried, so she hesitated for a while, but she did not refuse, but went with Ruan Mingyi.

   Soon, the jade Buddha necklace was put on.

The    necklace is strung with a red string, and you can put it on by gently pulling it apart. When you pull it again, you can control the length of the necklace, which is very convenient to wear.

  Gu Yuntong is very beautiful and has fair skin. After wearing this Zhengyang Green Jade Buddha Necklace, she looks even more beautiful.

   Ruan Mingyi's eyes were straight when he saw it, and he wanted to marry her back home immediately.

   Ruan Tang ignored them, walked directly to Xu Tianlang, and snapped his fingers at him.

   With a crisp sound, Xu Tianlang suddenly opened his eyes.

   Ruan Mingyi was startled, and instinctively blocked Gu Yuntong, not wanting Xu Tianlang to see her.

  Xu Tianlang didn't turn his head, just looked straight at Ruan Tang.

   If you look closely, you will find that his eyes are dull.

   Ruan Tang said lightly, "Go back."

  Xu Tianlang responded mechanically: "Okay."

   After he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out, ignoring Ruan Mingyi and Gu Yuntong.

   The two of them breathed a sigh of relief when they thought of Ruan Tang's words.

   Ruan Mingyi stared at Xu Tianlang's back, seeing him walking to the door, opening the door, and closing the door, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

   He hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "How did he go? There won't be an accident on the road, right?"

   No matter how stupid he is, he can see that Xu Tianlang's state is not right.

  Although he hates this person a bit, Xu Tianlang is innocent in the end, and he doesn't want Xu Tianlang to have an accident.

   In that case, he and Gu Yuntong will feel uneasy for decades to come.

   That is a life!

   Ruan Tang smiled: "Don't worry, he will be fine, he will wake up when he gets home."

   (end of this chapter)

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