Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1183: blood in the mouth

   Chapter 1183 Blood in the mouth

   As soon as Gu Yun heard the young woman's words, he felt something was wrong.

  Why is she still alive?

   Shouldn't she be alive?


   This is not her body!

   She is in pain all over her body, especially in her lower abdomen. She is in constant pain, as if she was having a miscarriage.

   Was the original body beaten?

   Could the murderer be these two rustic women?

  They beat the original body to death and she came through, so they were surprised that she was still alive?

  Gu Yun thought of this and quickly realized that his current situation was very bad.


   She finally survived, she must not die!

  She has to live, and live well!

  It's just that she really seems to have a miscarriage!

What should I do?

   At this moment, the shocked old woman also came back to her senses.

   She looked at Gu Yun who was lying on the ground with disdain, and scolded: "Sure enough, he is a bitch, his life is very big, no matter how much he struggles, he will not die."

   The young woman next to her immediately sighed in relief.

   As long as you don't die.

   Gu Yun didn't die, so she wouldn't have to go to jail.

  Thinking of this, she kicked Gu Yun in anger again: "Bitch, why are you pretending to be dead? Who are you frightening!"

   Although she scolded fiercely, she didn't dare to kick Gu Yun's bulging stomach, it was Gu Yun's legs.

   However, the original body was beaten before, and Gu Yun was in severe pain right now.

   Even if she was just kicked in the leg, she was so painful that she stumbled and fell down, just pressing on her stomach.

   She was lying on her side and curled up on the ground, but now she was lying face down, and her bulging belly was just pressed.

   Her stomach was already hurting badly, but now that it was pressed down, it was even more painful in an instant.

  Gu Yun broke out in cold sweat from the pain, and his heart was beating in a panic.

   She felt chills all over, very uneasy, and had a feeling that death was approaching.

   No, she has to save herself!

  She must live!

Thinking of this, Gu Yun raised his head abruptly, looked at the young woman who had kicked her just now, gritted his teeth and said, "Send me to the hospital! Otherwise, if I die, you will be a murderer and will be caught in prison to eat. shot!"

   The original body was beaten so hard that there was blood in his mouth.

   When Gu Yun spoke, his mouth opened, revealing blood-red teeth.

   When the two women saw it, they turned pale with fright on the spot.

   Gu Yun saw that they were frightened, and suddenly felt that this was an opportunity, and quickly said: "Send me to the hospital! Otherwise, if I die, I will haunt you every day, so that you will not die!"

   Although feudal superstition is being cracked down these days, many people in rural areas are still quite superstitious.

   Gu Yun's current appearance was particularly terrifying, and the two women were quickly frightened.

   A neighbor happened to come over, and when he saw the blood flowing from Gu Yun's body, he was immediately frightened.


  The old woman saw that she was discovered, and immediately said: "She fell while walking, and that's what happened. Help me and take her to the hospital."

   When Gu Yun heard this, he was so angry that he wanted to curse.

   But she was really in such pain that she had no strength, so she endured it.

   After tossing for a long time, she was finally sent to the hospital.

   However, after the rescue, Gu Yun was dumbfounded.

   She really had a miscarriage!

   To make matters worse, this is not the first miscarriage of the original body!

   This is the fifth time!

  Because of too many times, she was hurt too badly this time, and Zi-Kong Bao couldn't be anymore!

   (end of this chapter)

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