Chapter 1184 A Rotten Peach Blossom

   After hearing what the doctor said, Gu Yun only felt a bolt from the blue!

  Her son-Kung Pao can't stand it anymore!

   Must be removed by surgery immediately, or her life will be in danger!

   Gu Yun had no choice at all. If she wanted to save her life, she had to undergo an excision operation.

   Without surgery, her life would not have been saved.

   But when she agreed to the operation, the original mother-in-law and sister-in-law refused to agree!

   She only found out on the way to the hospital. It turned out that the two women she saw when she woke up were the original mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

   These two women are obviously the best, and they bullied the original body a lot.

   The original body was beaten to death by them!

   The previous four miscarriages might also have something to do with them.

   Now that the original body is dead, she has taken over this body, these two bad women actually want to kill her!


   Gu Yun immediately started making trouble in order to survive.

   She came from hereafter, she has a very thick skin, and now she will do anything to survive.


  Qingcheng, Ruan Tang did not know what happened to Gu Yun later.

   But even if she knew, she would only think that Gu Yun was unlucky.

  Gu Yun wants to be Bai Fumei, and also wants golden fingers.

   She agreed.

When    sent Gu Yun to borrow a corpse to revive his soul, the set of spiritual tricks she hit on Gu Yun could help Gu Yun to screen out the objects that met her requirements.

   As for the golden finger... Gu Yun has already died once, and it is definitely not the same as a normal soul body.

   And she said that it is to resurrect a soul from a corpse, that is, to really resurrect a soul from a corpse, which is not the same as possessing a living person.

   Although Gu Yun was able to survive, his eyes could see some things that normal people could not see.

   is similar to Yin Yang eye.

   However, being able to see is not necessarily a good thing.

The more you can see the   , the easier it is to get caught up in those things.

  If you don't have the ability to subdue them, the future will not be easy.

   Ruan Tang didn't know at this time that Gu Yuncai had just succeeded in reviving his soul, so he was tossed into the health center, and he couldn't even save the uterus.

   She is very upset now.

   Xie Ci's subordinates didn't know what to eat, so they asked someone to clean the house, but they found a rotten peach blossom for Xie Ci.

   This rotten peach blossom is quite "enthusiastic".

   Ruan Tang felt a fire in his heart when he heard this man's voice.

   She didn't want that person to see the thank you speech at all, so she said, "I'm hungry, go buy me something to eat and come back."

  Thank you: "…"

   He knew what Ruan Tang wanted to do as soon as he heard it, so he said "OK" softly, and then left without looking back.

The person behind    said immediately: "Hey? The family has already prepared food, so you don't need to buy it..."

The    thank you speech seemed not to be heard, and went even faster.

   Ruan Tang watched Xie Ci walk away with satisfaction, then turned around with a smile and looked at the rotten peach blossom.

Huh? You look young, are you twenty?

   also looks good, like a budding pink peach blossom.

   The question is, how did such a young girl come here to clean up?

   Don't you mean that you are looking for a middle-aged couple?

   Could it be their daughter?

   Oh, that's kind of interesting.

  Thank you for saying goodbye to this house, shouldn't someone have already occupied the magpie's nest?

   Ruan Tang thought of this possibility, and smiled, but his eyes were very cold.

   Probably because she was very uncomfortable, the girl's face became unsightly, and there was obvious hostility in the eyes of Ruan Tang: "May I ask who you are?"

   (end of this chapter)

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