Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1187: push the nose on the face

   Chapter 1187 Push the nose on the face

   After Wu Laidi was complacent, she became angry again when she saw her daughter who was obviously frightened.

   Her arrogance was even more arrogant: "My Pingping was admitted to high school! Look at what you scared my Pingping into?"

   Ruan Tang saw who she was at a glance, and ignored her at all, just looked at her husband Zheng Baoguo with a half-smile: "Zheng Baoguo, do you think so too?"

   Zheng Baoguo was taken aback, and he always felt that something was strange.

  How could this girl know his name?

   How did she know?

   After thinking for a while, he found another explanation himself.

   should be Mr. Wang said, right?

   Surely so!

   At this time, he didn't find his daughter Zheng Liping's weirdness, otherwise he would definitely not be so naive.

  Zheng Baoguo tried his best to comfort himself, and after calming down, he immediately gave Wu Laidi a warning look: "What nonsense are you talking about?

  This... Since this little comrade is engaged to Mr. Xie, she is the hostess here. It's our poor hospitality, why don't you hurry up and apologize to this little comrade? "

After   , he hurriedly asked Ruan Tang, "I don't know what this little comrade is called?"

   Ruan Tang smiled sarcastically and asked without answering, "You guys live well here, right?"

Zheng Baoguo's expression changed, and there was obvious panic flashing in his eyes, and then he explained calmly: "That's it, Mr. Wang is worried that this house is not guarded, and someone will climb over the wall and come in to steal things, so he let us live. here."

   Having said this, he began to pour out a lot of bitterness: "You don't know, little comrade, don't look at this as a provincial capital, in fact, there are quite a few poor people in the city, and there are many bastards.

   These people don't do good things all day long, they do all kinds of shit. They roamed everywhere every day, and often passed by here.

  If no one is in the house, I am afraid that the house will be evacuated by them in one night. "

   Ruan Tang still believed this.

   After all, many people are poor now, and some people with bad minds will naturally go the wrong way to get money.

  Thank you, if this house is not guarded, it will indeed be stolen.

   The problem is that she doesn't like this family very much.

  It doesn't matter if they live here, but since they paid to see the house here, they should know what to do.

  In the end, thank you for not coming for a long time, but they regard themselves as the owner of this house.

   She laughed and said sarcastically: "So, you have worked hard and made a lot of money."

   Zheng Baoguo heard the sarcasm in her words and immediately realized that Ruan Tang was not a good person.

   The smile on his face suddenly faded, and his heart was not very happy.

   In fact, he did feel that his family's hard work had paid off.

  This house has always been guarded by them, and they are also taking care of it.

   If it weren't for them, the house would have been evacuated by those **** long ago, and they would have lost a lot of money!

   Although they have money to take care of the house, that money is not enough compared to the things in the house.

   This girl is not very old, and she is too arrogant to slap her face at them as soon as she arrives!

   Zheng Baoguo sneered in his heart, but he knew that these thoughts would definitely not be exposed, so he was restrained.

   But his wife Wu Laidi can't.

  Wu Laidi said confidently after hearing Ruan Tang's words: "That's not it, it's not easy to take care of such a big house.

   We are only three members of our family. We are very tired to clean the house every day. Since you are Mr. Xie's object, you have to talk to him well. "

   (end of this chapter)

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