Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1188: they were frightened

   Chapter 1188 They were scared

   Ruan Tang asked curiously, "Oh? I don't know what you want me to tell him?"

  Wu Laidi said confidently: "Of course, I told him about the salary increase. Our family has worked so hard to look at the house. It turns out that the salary is not enough, and the salary must be increased."

   Ruan Tang suddenly realized: "That's it, it seems that you have worked really hard."

"That's it!" Wu Laidi pushed her nose to her face and said more and more vigorously, "To clean this house, I was so tired that my back was sore. I used to be fine, but now I am so tired that I have a problem, you all have to be responsible. "

   Ruan Tang asked amusingly, "Then how do you want us to be responsible?"

  Wu Laidi said as a matter of course: "Of course..."

   At this moment, Zheng Baoguo suddenly interrupted her: "What nonsense are you talking about! Mr. Wang trusted us to let us help take care of the house, even if it's a little tired."

   He felt that Ruan Tang's tone was not right, and worried that Wu Laidi would annoy her and lose her good job.

   Only then did Wu Laidi deliberately interrupt.

  To say that he is really not dissatisfied with this work.

  The salary is quite high, and I can live in such a beautiful house, and the owner is still there.

   As long as the host's house doesn't come, they are just like the owner of the house, and they can live as they want.

   And there are a lot of votes in the salary given by Mr. Wang. They live here, not only can they eat a meal of meat every day, but also save a lot of money every month.

   Such a good job, can't let this prodigal woman lose her.

After he finished speaking, he smiled at Ruan Tang again: "Don't take offense, little comrade, my wife didn't do it on purpose. Not long ago, a few idiots saw this beautiful house and wanted to break in and give my wife and daughter to me. terrified.

   Those second-rates are quite fierce, and there is actually a girl among them. I don't know which child it is. Seeing that she is not too old, she actually mixes with a group of second-rates.

  I chased them away, but my wife and daughter were very frightened that time, so when you came today, they were a little excited.

  Don't take it to heart, they either targeted you on purpose, or were stimulated by the girl that day.

  You don't know, the girl said at first that she was thirsty and wanted to drink water. My daughter saw that she was not very old and had a good heart, so she gave her water.

   In the end, she said she was too tired and wanted to come in and sit down. My daughter saw that she was very well-behaved, so she was unprepared. As a result, as soon as the door was opened, a few **** rushed out and wanted to break in.

   Fortunately, my daughter responded quickly and immediately closed the door. It's those **** who were so fierce, they even had knives in their hands, so they stretched in through the gap in the iron gate and stabbed my daughter.

  You said that she is a child who has not grown up, can she not be afraid of this kind of thing? If my wife and I hadn't rushed out in time, my daughter might have been injured. "

   Ruan Tang raised his eyebrows: "How could there be such a thing? It sounds quite dangerous."

   Zheng Baoguo looked at her face carefully, and felt that she should have believed it, but for some reason, there was always some inexplicable unease in her heart.

   He suppressed the uneasiness, and then said, "Well, it was really too dangerous at the time. It scared my wife and daughter to death, and I had nightmares every day."

  Wu Laidi heard him say that, rolled her eyes, and cried out immediately.

   (end of this chapter)

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