Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1189: well calculated

   Chapter 1189 Good abacus

   "My God, those **** who have suffered thousands of knives are really scared to death!"

  Wu Laidi wailed loudly, "My man was almost stabbed by a knife! And my family Pingping, she was admitted to high school, but she was so frightened by those second-rate boys that she dared not go out now, my poor daughter!"

  008 looked at all this in shock, and asked in disbelief: [They are so good at acting too! Did she think you would believe her if she said that? 】

   It has been watching a play just now, and originally wanted to see how the family made a fool of themselves.

  Who knew this family could act.

   Zheng Baoguo's lie came as soon as he opened his mouth, and Wu Laidi also cooperated very well.

   is indeed a family.

  Thinking of this, 008 glanced at Zheng Liping again, only to see that she was still sitting on the ground, her eyes were wide and terrified.

   Hey, something is wrong with this girl!

  008 couldn't help but ask again: [Boss, do you think that girl was scared stupid? Still sitting on the ground. 】

   Hearing this, Ruan Tang glanced at Zheng Liping, who was obviously terrified, and laughed sarcastically: "Xiaohua, do you think this family is very interesting? My daughter has been sitting on the ground for so long, but the parents didn't even notice."

  008 also felt that something was wrong when he heard it, he asked in surprise: [Yes, why? Isn't this girl their daughter? 】

   "Who made her a daughter?"

   These two couples are patriarchal, fearing that in their eyes, no matter how good a daughter is, no matter how good a daughter is, it is not as good as a single hair of a son.

  It's a pity that Wu Laidi's health is not good. After giving birth to a daughter, she can't regenerate.

   But she is lucky, she has a younger sister who is better married, and she subsidizes her from time to time.

   So even if she failed to give birth to a son, Zheng Baoguo did not divorce her.

   Now their job of housekeeping was introduced by Wu Laidi's sister.

   This family lives in Xie Ci's house, and obviously there is still a bit of a dove occupying the magpie's nest.

   How could Ruan Tang be careless?

   She used the eyes of the sky as soon as she came, and saw the details of this family clearly.

   Even, I know that they secretly took some inconspicuous ornaments to sell.

  Because of their inconspicuousness, their little movements have never been discovered.

   If Jiang Chunshui hadn't asked her and Xie to come over this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't know that the house had been guarded and stolen.

  The time they spent watching the house was not too long, it only looked like two years.

   In the beginning, they didn't dare to touch the things inside, they were still very honest, and they were afraid of losing this good job.

   It’s just that after a long time, they found that the master has not come, and their hearts gradually grew bigger, and they began to move the things inside.

   Fortunately, they came just in time.

  This family has been stealing from the house since last month. What they stole is only small ornaments, and the loss is not big.

   However, Ruan Tang was still very upset.

   She and Xie Ci are already together, so Xie Ci is no different from hers.

  This family is in charge of the house, and they actually had the idea of ​​guarding and stealing. When they stole thank you, they stole from her.

   It's no wonder she can let them go.

   However, Zheng Baoguo is a bit smart, and he actually pulled out such a lie casually, which not only rounded up the bad attitudes of Wu Laidi and Zheng Liping, but also showed their hard work.

  Although he didn't ask for more money as straightforwardly as Wu Laidi, he deliberately sold miserably, didn't he want her and Xie Ci to know their difficulties, understand them, and give them more money?

   (end of this chapter)

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