Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1191: something must have happened

   Chapter 1191 Something must have happened

   Zheng Baoguo felt that Wu Laidi was very wrong!

   He has been married to Wu Laidi for so many years, can he not know what kind of temperament Wu Laidi is?

  Wu Laidi always listened to him, what he said was what he said, and he never dared to resist.

   It's weird to look at him with this kind of eyes now!

  What happened to her?

   Out of breath?

   Or…or… something else?

   Zheng Baoguo glanced suspiciously at Ruan Tang, always feeling that all this had to do with her.

  Otherwise, how could Wu Laidi become like this inexplicably?

   But, how could this be?

   Just a little girl, is it possible that she can control the big living? Isn't that a monster?

   Zheng Baoguo suddenly panicked even more when he thought of this.

   But before he could think about it, Wu Laidi spoke up.

   She glared at Zheng Baoguo, gritted her teeth and said, "How dare you hit me!"

  Zheng Baoguo subconsciously frowned and wanted to refute.

  Wu Laidi didn't give him this chance, so she screamed and rushed at him: "My mother beat you to death, you dog man!"

   After he finished speaking, he gave Zheng Baoguo a punch, knocking Zheng Baoguo into a daze.

  Wu Laidi has been doing housework since she was a child. After marrying Zheng Baoguo, she also did housework all day long. Her strength was very strong, and she was not much worse than a man.

   She is now ruthless, punching in the past, Zheng Baoguo's face is crooked.

   Zheng Baoguo was beaten with a dazed expression, and some of them couldn't react, but Wu Laidi didn't hold back her hands and kept her fists to Zheng Baoguo's face.

   "How dare you hit me!"

   "I'll let you beat the old lady!"

   "You dog man!"

   "Shameless old man, how dare he break his shoes on his back!"

   "Your mother-in-law actually gave birth to a wild breed! Look at the old lady who can't beat you to death!"

   Zheng Baoguo was beaten one after another, and he was a little confused at first, but gradually he recovered.

   Especially when I heard Wu Laidi say that he broke his shoes and grew wild seeds.

   Zheng Baoguo shuddered all over his body, and suddenly he woke up.

   He felt more and more that something was wrong with Wu Laidi, but now he couldn't handle that much anymore.

   This dead woman dared to beat him!

   It's just that the wings are hard!

   Zheng Baoguo quickly called back.

   The couple just tore at each other and beat each other.

   Ruan Tang stood by the side to watch the excitement. After watching for a while, she smiled meaningfully, bypassed the two of them, and walked straight into the house.

  There is a set of mahogany coffee table and sofa in the living room, the style is very luxurious.

   There is also a landline phone on the coffee table.

   Ruan Tang walked over, sat comfortably on the sofa, picked up the phone and started dialing.

   After a few beeps, the connection was quickly connected.

   A man's voice sounded: "Hello? Who are you looking for?"

   Ruan Tang said lightly: "It's Mr. Wang, Xie and I have arrived, come over now."

   When the man surnamed Wang heard this, he groaned in his heart and had a very bad premonition.

   He asked tentatively, "Hello, are you Miss Ruan?"

   "Since you know, why ask again? It's quite interesting that you hired someone to take care of the house for Xie Ci. They're fighting now, won't you come and have a look?"

   Wang Xueliang's tone changed immediately: "I'll be right here!"

   Ruan Tang hung up the phone unceremoniously.

  Wang Xueliang listened to the busy tone from the microphone, and his heart kept sinking.

problem occurs!

   Something must have happened!

  Damn, what the **** did those people do!

   No, he has to rush over immediately!

  Today is a bit late, so I will write it here, and continue tomorrow~

   (end of this chapter)

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