Chapter 1192 Hide your face

   As soon as Ruan Tang hung up Wang Xueliang, the thank you speech appeared.

   He didn't walk in from the outside, but suddenly appeared in the living room.

   Ruan Tang looked at him funny: "Finally willing to show up?"

   Xie Ci's tone was a little aggrieved: "Don't you want them to see me?"

   Ruan Tang: "…"

   She knew that the thank you speech was fake, but when she heard him say that, her heart trembled fiercely.

  I don't know what to say.

After a while of silence, Ruan Tang deliberately changed the subject: "You said, are you too careless about your own house? If we hadn't come over suddenly this time, your house would have been evacuated by thieves. "

  Xie Ci didn't care about such a house, he just bought it casually anyway.

   But hearing Ruan Tang say this, he deliberately lowered his face and said unhappily, "Wang Xueliang is really useless."

The person    was looking for was so unreliable.

   Xie Ci said, he sat down beside Ruan Tang, took out a plate of chilled lychees and began to peel them.

   He knew that Ruan Tang liked eating these, but he didn't like peeling them, so sometimes he would rather not eat them.

   So he personally helped Ruan Tang peel the shell.

  Lychees are planted in the space, and even the tree species are bought from the system mall. The grown lychees are not only large in size, small in core, but also very sweet.

   The peeled pulp is white and tender, and because it has been chilled, it is steaming white.

   It looks especially beautiful in a black porcelain plate.

  Thank you very quickly, and I peeled off a large plate in no time.

   He took a golden fruit fork and put it on it, then placed the fruit plate with lychees in front of Ruan Tang.

   "It's just unimportant people, don't care."

   In fact, these houses were just a place to stay for him, and he never took it to heart.

   Before, he didn't even bother to buy a house, he stayed in a hotel wherever he went, which was very convenient.

   The reason why I bought a house this time was because I didn’t want to feel wronged by Ruan Tang.

   As a result, the house has not been over since I bought it, and I even raised a large mouse, which made Ruan Tang very angry.

  Thank you and regret it.

   was extremely dissatisfied with Wang Xueliang.

  Wang Xueliang is in charge of all affairs in Qingcheng. If this man is not blind and the person he is looking for is too unreliable, how could such a thing happen?

  Xie Ci thought of this, and his eyes were a little cold.

   Ruan Tang was actually not too angry, but she suddenly encountered a rotten peach blossom, which made her feel very unhappy.

   She glanced at Xie Ci, and couldn't help reaching out and pinching his face: "It's all your fault, why do you look so good-looking?"

  Xie Cizheng was dissatisfied with Wang Xueliang, and after hearing this, a smile instantly appeared on his face: "Of course it's for you to see."

   Ruan Tang suddenly couldn't get angry.

   She even felt that the skin under her fingertips was a little hot, and she wanted to retract her claws in a guilty conscience.

   Who knows Xie Ci said again: "If you don't want others to see me, I can wear a mask in the future."

   Ruan Tang immediately refused: "Cough, there's no need for that."

  If Xie Ci was wearing a mask, wouldn't she be able to see it in the future?

  What a hassle.

  Xie Ci saw Ruan Tang's reaction in his eyes, and the smile in his eyes deepened. He continued to propose: "Then... I use illusion to hide my face?"

   Ruan Tang was overjoyed and couldn't help but said, "This is possible."

   After she said that, she regretted it a little bit. Isn't she being too domineering?

   So she changed her mouth again: "Forget it."

   They are both engaged anyway.

   (end of this chapter)

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