Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1193: double entendre

   Chapter 1193 A pun

  Wang Xueliang came very quickly.

   When he arrived, the couple were still fighting each other.

   The daughters of the two knelt on the side, her eyes widened, as if she was terrified.

   He glanced at the three of them and frowned.

   The situation of these three people is obviously wrong. Could it be that the master has done it?

   What daring thing did they do to annoy the master?

  Wang Xueliang thought of this possibility, and his heart was filled with anger and fear.

   However, at this moment, he suddenly saw the door of the entrance gently open.

   At the same time, a cold and indifferent voice sounded in his ear: "Come in."

  Wang Xueliang quickly put away his thoughts and strode in.

   After entering, he glanced quickly and found that Xie Ci was sitting on the sofa with a girl.

  The girl is very beautiful, and looking at the attitude of thanking him, it is not difficult to guess that she is the Miss Ruan who called before.

  Wang Xueliang couldn't help being a little scared.

   He had previously received a notice that Xie Ci would bring his fiancée over.

   At that time, he was so surprised that he couldn't imagine what kind of stunning beauty could fascinate him.

   Now seeing Ruan Tang's appearance, he is not surprised at all.

   That's it... This Miss Ruan is too beautiful.

  He has helped Xie Ci over the years, and he has seen many beauties, but none of them can compare to this Miss Ruan.

   It's no wonder that Xie Ci's strength is so terrifying, and he is actually engaged to her.

   Wang Xueliang sighed with emotion and noticed an extremely cold gaze.

   He was so frightened that he froze all over, and subconsciously looked at Xie Ci, and sure enough, Xie Ci was looking at him.

   At that moment, his knees were so frightened that he almost fell to his knees.

   Fortunately, at this moment, Ruan Tang suddenly spoke.

   she asked, "What happened to the three people outside?"

  Wang Xueliang was shocked when he heard the words, and he almost wanted to say that I also wanted to know what happened to them, but fortunately, he finally reacted.

   He quickly calmed down and asked cautiously, "But what did they do wrong?"

   Ruan Tang smiled: "When I first came, I almost thought I was going to the wrong place. They are the owners of this house. Do you think it's funny or not?"

   Wang Xueliang didn't find it funny at all.

   He only feels colder now.

  Damn, what the **** did those three idiots do!

  Wang Xueliang said immediately: "This matter is the negligence of the subordinates, and the subordinates will replace them!"

   Ruan Tang: "???"


   She glanced at Xie Ci in astonishment, but didn't ask any more questions.

   After thinking about it, she added: "They are still guarding themselves and stealing things here. It seems that they think that the master has never come, so they can call the shots."

   As soon as these words came out, Wang Xueliang's face turned pale with fright.

   He felt that Ruan Tang's words were a pun.

   is not only talking about the Zheng Baoguo family, but also about himself.

  Yes, if it weren't for him being too useless, how could he not have noticed Zheng Baoguo's little actions?

  Things were stolen, he didn't even know?

   This was indeed his negligence, and he had to take responsibility.

   Wang Xueliang gritted his teeth, and suddenly knelt on the ground: "There is something wrong with this subordinate, please punish the master."

   Ruan Tang's expression changed, but he wasn't too surprised.

  Xie Ci's strength is unfathomable, and it is not surprising that Wang Xueliang is willing to be his servant.

   Xie Ci suddenly stood up: "I don't want to see them again."

   After he dropped these words coldly, he turned to look at Ruan Tang, the coldness on his face melted like spring snow: "Tangtang, we should go back."

   (end of this chapter)

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