Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1194: A heart keeps sinking

   Chapter 1194 A heart keeps sinking

   Ruan Tang remembered when he heard the words of thanks, they really should go back.

   Ruan Aimin and Xie Hanmei were not there when they came out of Ruan Mingyi's house.

   Later, they went directly to Gu's house, and after solving Gu Yun's problems, they came here again.

   Ruan Mingyi and others didn't know where they were going. If they didn't go back, those people should be worried.

   So Ruan Tang nodded.

   It happened that she was too lazy to stay and deal with the wonderful family, so she might as well go back now.

  Since the man was found by Wang Xueliang, let him solve it.

  Thinking of this, she put away the unfinished plate of lychees in front of Wang Xueliang, then got up and left with Xie Ci.

   left Wang Xueliang stunned in place.

   was stiff all over.

  Wang Xueliang was frightened.

   When he saw Ruan Tang before, he saw that she was very beautiful, and he just thought Xie Ci was attracted to her beauty.

   Just saw that the plate of lychees suddenly disappeared, and he realized later that this Miss Ruan is not as simple as he thought!

   She is beautiful, but she is not an empty vase of beauty, but has the same mysterious ability as Xie Ci!

   No wonder... No wonder thank you was with her.

  Wang Xueliang thought of this, and suddenly felt that he was finished.

  If Ruan Tang is just a vase, then it doesn't matter if she doesn't like Zheng Baoguo and the others, and even angers him.

   But she actually possesses this mysterious ability, then Zheng Baoguo and the others offended her...

   Does the master still want him as a servant?

  Wang Xueliang thought of this, his heart kept sinking.

   He knelt stiffly on the ground. I don't know how long it took until he lost consciousness in his legs. He was suddenly awakened by the quarrel.

   Wang Xueliang felt that the voice was harsh. After listening carefully, he realized that Zheng Baoguo and his wife were arguing.

   He listened to the argument between the two, his face became more and more ugly, he stood up suddenly, ready to go to them to settle accounts.

   But he forgot that he had been kneeling on the ground for so long that his legs became numb.

   So when he got up, he fell directly to the ground because his legs were unconscious, not only spraining his ankle, but also rubbing his knee.

   Wang Xueliang did not care about the pain.

   He quickly pinched his legs, bleeding himself, and then struggled to stand up again.

   This time, my legs finally felt a little bit, but it was very uncomfortable.

   The pain is dense, just like acupuncture.

   He hurriedly moved his legs, but at this moment, Zheng Baoguo and his wife, who were arguing just now, suddenly walked in one after the other.

   Zheng Baoguo walked in front, his face was so gloomy as if it was about to rain, and his brows were so wrinkled that they could catch flies.

   His wife Wu Laidi followed closely behind him, scolding: "Zheng Baoguo, why are you running away? You haven't apologized to me yet!"

   Zheng Baoguo was so angry that he turned around and gave her a slap: "You still have the face for me to apologize!"

  Wu Laidi fought him for a long time before, and his head was beaten into a pig's head long ago.

   Now that she was slapped by Zheng Baoguo, her face was even more swollen.

   She was so angry that she was about to curse when she suddenly saw Wang Xueliang and blurted out, "Who are you? Who let you in?"

   Wang Xueliang's expression changed suddenly.

   He turned his head, looked at Wu Laidi with cold eyes, and Zheng Baoguo, who had just turned around, sneered: "Why, shouldn't I come in?"

   When Ruan Tang said that Zheng Baoguo's family occupied the magpie's nest, he was very angry.

   But now that he heard it with his own ears, he knew how arrogant this family was!

   (end of this chapter)

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