Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 360: what made her so angry

   Chapter 360 What makes her so angry

   Ruan Tang frowned and looked at Wang Zhaodi, but Wang Zhaodi just glanced at her and ran away quickly.

   Ruan Tang thought and opened his eyes.

   After seeing what was on Wang Zhaodi's body, her brows furrowed even tighter.

  Wang Zhaodi was surrounded by anger and resentment, which showed that she had become more blackened.

   But there is no obvious trauma on her body, and the old injury from the last time is also recovering.

   means that she has not been beaten recently.

   What was it that made her so angry?

   Ruan Tang hesitated, but decided to take a closer look.

   She didn't want to take care of Wang Zhaodi's affairs, but Wang Zhaodi coveted Ruan Mingcheng.

  Although she had warned Wang Zhaodi last time, what if Wang Zhaodi felt that there was no way to go, and she remembered Ruan Mingcheng again?

  Some people are relentless, and they believe that even ten cows can't pull them back.

  If Wang Zhaodi only had a crush on Ruan Mingcheng, and Ruan Tang didn't bother to care about her, she was afraid that Wang Zhaodi would stalk her and use her inferior means to rely on Ruan Mingcheng.

  Jiang Chunshui has a heart problem and can't stand this kind of stimulation.

   Ruan Tang fixed her eyes on Wang Zhaodi's back, her eyes flashed, and soon, she saw a picture, so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes, and almost vomited out of disgust!

  The picture turned out to be Wang Zhaodi's scumbag Wang Debao and a woman, and the two of them still...

   Ruan Tang had the urge to poke his own eyes.

   She suddenly understood why Wang Zhaodi turned black.

   That woman had a flat belly, and she could never be Wang Zhaodi's biological mother, Sun Ximei.

  Sun Ximei still has a big belly, Wang Debao actually cheated!

   Is he still human?

   Such a scum, could be the biological father of this body?

   She didn't believe that Wang Debao's appearance could give birth to such a beautiful daughter.

   The problem should be with Sun Ximei.

   It seems that she should find a chance to take a good look at that Sun Ximei.

   Ruan Tang thought for a while and decided to visit at night tonight.

  The Wang family are shameless and shameless. They go there in broad daylight and cause trouble for themselves for no reason.

   So it is better to be a night scout.

   When the night was dead, she sneaked into the Wang's house and tried to see if she could see anything from Sun Ximei with the eyes of the sky.

  Thinking of this, Ruan Tang went home directly.

  Because of this matter, she was still a little absent-minded until dinner.

   As they were sitting down for dinner, the sound of a car engine was heard outside.

   Everyone was stunned.

   The youngest Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian couldn't help but look around.

   Cars at this time were very rare for rural people.

  Jiang Chunshui said lightly: "It should be passing by, don't worry about it."

   Ruan Minggong couldn't help but ask, "Grandma, can you go out and have a look?"

  Jiang Chunshui looked at the sky, and warned anxiously: "Don't go out, be careful you are traffickers! Specialize in catching little dolls like you!"

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were too frightened to go out.

   Who knew that the voice actually stopped at the gate of Ruan's house.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian hugged each other in fright, screaming in surprise.

   "Grandma, are they coming in to arrest us?"

   "Wow, I don't want to be caught by traffickers!"

   Someone knocked on the door: "Open the door, we're back."

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian, who were hugging each other, were stunned for a moment.

   "It seems to be the voice of Brother Mingli."


   Ruan Tang got up and went to open the door.

After    opened the door, it turned out that Ruan Mingli was standing outside, and behind him was the small truck that Ruan Tang handed over to Xie Ci.

   However, the pickup truck at this time was a little different from the morning.

   (end of this chapter)

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