Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 361: Jiang Chunshui is angry

   Chapter 361 Jiang Chunshui is angry

   Ruan Tang was a little surprised, she didn't expect the speed to be so fast this time, and Ruan Aihua could actually drive!

   She thought Ruan Aihua would have to study for a while.

   Ruan Mingli saw her staring at the pickup truck, and showed off happily: "Tangtang, what do you think of this car? Let me tell you, that Mr. Luo is really a good man!

   He bought a pickup truck to pull the goods, and specifically asked Dad if he could drive. He heard that he could drive, so he drove the newly bought pickup truck to Dad.

   He also asked his father to drive home directly, saying that it would be convenient to commute to get off work in the future, and the car would be left there anyway.

   And in the future, if Dad pulls goods for him, there will be extra hard work. I really did not expect that Mr. Luo not only looks like a talent, but also has such a good heart.

  It’s a pity that my younger brother is not at home, otherwise he would definitely die of joy. "

   Ruan Mingxin would be happy Ruan Tang didn't know, but she thought Ruan Mingli must be dead happy.

  Look how he laughed.

  Hello Mr. Luo? Bah, it's obviously her car!

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian heard the sound and ran out curiously. They were also excited when they saw the pickup.

   Although it is just an ordinary pickup truck, it is not as stylish as the jeep that Luo Xiangtian drove that day, but Ruan Aihua is driving it!

   At this time, everyone else got out of the car.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian excitedly pulled Ruan Aizhou and asked him what was going on.

   They had heard Ruan Mingli's words just now, but they were still very curious.

  Although the car is not theirs, Ruan Aihua drove the car back and can continue to drive in the future. This alone is enough for them to brag with their friends for a long time.

   Maybe men like cars in their bones, even young boys like Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian are no exception.

   The brothers were so excited they kept laughing.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling sad when he saw it.

   Ever since she crossed over, she has never seen them smile so happily.

  Because of He Xiuqing and Ruan Yuting, the two children are very sensitive and sensible. Today, they are probably too happy to release their lively nature.

   In the end, Jiang Chunshui couldn't stand it any longer, and said sternly, "What are you doing blocking the door? Come in quickly!"

   Everyone moved their positions, and Ruan Aihua also drove the car into the yard.

  Jiang Chunshui hurriedly closed the door. When she closed the door, she saw that many people were already looking outside, and her face couldn't help but look even more ugly.

So after walking back, she scolded Ruan Aihua with a stern face: "Boss, how old are you, why are you still following them? You don't think it's too conspicuous to drive the car back? It's parked at the door for so long! Do you think It's amazing to drive a car, I'm afraid others won't know you're very capable, right?"

   Ruan Aihua knew that she had done something wrong, so she could only bow her head and be scolded, but did not dare to refute.

   Fortunately, Jiang Chunshui didn't keep scolding, but said: "Since that Mr. Luo trusts you, you can't betray his trust, you know? Drive well in the future, don't slap it!"

   Ruan Aihua quickly assured: "Mom, don't worry, I will drive well in the future!"

  Jiang Chunshui then let him go and greeted the others to continue eating.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were completely blown away. The two quickly filled their stomachs, so they couldn't wait to see the pickup truck, and they kept making noises when they climbed up and down.

  Jiang Chunshui warned them a few words, making sure they were just curious and wouldn't mess with the car, so he didn't care about them.

   (end of this chapter)

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