Chapter 381 Eyes are green

   Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu were surprised to learn that Ruan Tang brought cherries back, and they quickly asked her where she bought them, but Ruan Tang fooled her.

   The two of them tasted the taste curiously and were amazed.

  Jiang Chunshui took a sip and was amazed: "Well, these cherries are too sweet!"

  Tang Hongxiu also said: "It's really sweet, but it's not sour at all, it's too rare."

   They have also eaten cherries. They know that many cherries are very beautiful when they look red, but they actually taste very sour.

   Better, that is, sweet and sour.

   There are very few sweet ones.

   Like this kind of pure sweetness, not sour at all, it is even rarer.

   So the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were reluctant to eat some, and instead insisted on asking Ruan Tang to eat more.

   Ruan Tang still has a lot in his hand, where can he eat more?

   She directly divided the cherries, and gave Jiang Chunshui, Tang Hongxiu, and Xu Zhizhi a portion for them to eat.

   Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu felt helpless when they saw her insist.

   Xu Zhizhi was very embarrassed, and waved his hands hastily to refuse: "I can't eat so much, just a few is enough."

   After she finished speaking, she grabbed a few cherries and ran away, for fear that Ruan Tang would let her continue eating.

   made Ruan Tang extremely helpless.

   is just a little cherry, what about each one?

Seeing that Xu Zhizhi was really uncomfortable, she didn't persuade her much, but said, "I'll keep the rest for you, and you can eat it when you want. But this stuff can't stand, so it must be eaten within today. , otherwise it will be broken."

   Xu Zhizhi's eyes instantly became wet when he heard this.

   She did not expect that Ruan Tang was so kind to her.

  It was obvious that they just met by chance, they didn't need it at all.

   Ruan Tang has rescued her twice, and she will never end such a big favor in her life. Where does she need to be so kind to her?

   She has been in Xiaohe Village for so long, let alone a villager, even the educated youth with her, did not treat her like this.

   Only Feng Ya has a better relationship with her.

  Xu Zhizhi turned his back to Ruan Tang and wiped his tears secretly, not wanting to reject her kindness, so he said "yes".

   When Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian came back from outside and saw the cherries specially reserved for them, they immediately went crazy and cheered and ate happily.

   So anxious that Tang Hongxiu hurriedly reminded them, for fear that they might accidentally swallow the cherry pit.

  The family is happy.

   It was almost noon when the thank you speech came.

   Ruan Tang was a little surprised. Xie Ci went out so early, why did he come back now?

   Did he do anything else outside?

   But she just turned her thoughts around in her head and didn't bother to think about it.

   didn't ask Xie Ci either.

  Since Xie Ci was reborn, he must have his own things to do.

   For example, Na Luo Xiangtian could not have fallen directly from the sky.

   must be the person Xie Ci went to find.

   Ruan Tang is not curious about what he is doing, as long as she is sure that the thank you speech is not a threat to her, they are good friends.

  The chicken soup boiled with Lingquan water is very fragrant, and the whole family is greedy.

  Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu were adults. Although they were greedy in their hearts, they were both restrained.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian have two children.

   They are usually very sensible, but after smelling the fragrance, they are hooked.

   Every now and then I have to ask Ruan Tang when I can eat it.

   is really greedy.

   So as soon as thank you came, I found that the eyes of both brothers were green.

   Smell that fragrance again, where is there still something you don't understand?

   Aunt is in pain, so I will add more after recovery.

   (end of this chapter)

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