Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 382: Did she eat too much?

   Chapter 382 Did she eat too much?

  Xie Ci walked to Ruan Tang with a smile, and praised without hesitation: "It tastes good, it seems that your cooking skills are getting better and better."

   said Ruan Tang was very embarrassed.

  Although she also thinks that her cooking skills are good, the chicken used this time is very ordinary, and it can be so fragrant, all thanks to the spiritual spring water and those medicinal herbs.

   has nothing to do with her cooking skills.

   Originally, stewing soup didn’t need much cooking skills, she just played normally.

   But the matter of Lingquan Water cannot be said in public, so Ruan Tang just smiled modestly: "If you like, you can eat more later. It's almost time, let's have dinner."

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian were waiting for dinner, and they cheered excitedly when they heard this.

  God knows, they're all hungry!

   Sister Tangtang's cooking skills are getting better and better, they have never smelled such a good smell!

   How did you make it!

The    brothers were very curious.

   But they are still small after all, so they don't care if they just think about it.

   It’s almost time for dinner, how can they still think about this?

  After dinner, Ruan Tang specially scooped soup for Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu, and warned, "This soup is nourishing, you must drink more."

   After she finished speaking, she looked at Xu Zhizhi again, "And you, your body is weak. Drinking more of this soup is good for your body."

   Xu Zhizhi was so moved that she scooped the soup without waiting for Ruan Tang to help.

  The stewed soup is a bit hot, and it takes a while to drink it.

  The soup is served in a white porcelain bowl, showing a light amber color with a layer of oily flowers floating on the surface.

   Ruan Tang deliberately did not skim off the oil flowers. At this time, people didn't eat meat very often, and they were reluctant to use more oil for cooking.

   Ruan's family is already in good condition in the village, but they can't eat meat every day.

   It is not suitable to skim off the oil.

   Everyone eats the dishes first.

   Today's final dish was also made by Ruan Tang. She used the meat she brought back to make a cold salad with white meat and fried water spinach.

   Although there are not many kinds of dishes, the portions are quite large.

   Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian couldn't stop eating.

   When the chicken soup was a little cold, Xie Ci took the lead to taste it.

When the    brothers saw it, they couldn't wait to taste it, and then their eyes lit up, as if they were glowing.

   In the end, a crock pot of chicken soup, including the chicken in it, was literally cleaned up.

   Even Xu Zhizhi ate a lot.

  She was embarrassed at first, so she decided to taste it and decided not to eat it.

   Who knows that after one bite, she can't stop. When all the soup in the crock pot was eaten, Xu Zhizhi felt embarrassed.

   Did she eat too much?

  The men of the Ruan family are all helping people in the town, and they should have kept the chicken soup, but now she has eaten them all.

  Really, why didn't she stop earlier!

  Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ruan Tang suddenly said: "I also brought a duck back, let's cook it in the afternoon, Dad and the others are back in the evening, just in time to try it."

   Ruan Aihua and the others arranged their work by thanking them. Ruan Tang believed that their food should not be too bad.

   But they are going to work after all, and the food will definitely not be particularly good.

  Otherwise, Ruan Aihua and the others would suspect that Luo Xiangtian had ulterior motives.

   The life of the whole country has not been easy these years. Ruan Aihua and the others look strong and strong, but their bodies are not necessarily good.

   still have to make up for it.

  Especially now that they have to work every day, let alone lose their health.

   and her "dragon and phoenix" brother, it's time to take a look.

   (end of this chapter)

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