Chapter 772 Guess wrong

   Ruan Tang looked at the old man in surprise: "Why does the old man think so?"

  The old man smiled and said simply: "As far as I know, Peiyuan Pill is a very precious medicinal pill even in the circle of magicians.

   However, you just ate one directly for me, and it doesn't seem like you feel bad at all. Doesn't this mean that Peiyuan Dan is not a rare thing for you?

   But this Essence Training Pill requires a pharmacist to refine it. If you weren't a pharmacist yourself, why wouldn't you care? "

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but ask, "It's also possible that it was given to me by my master, or relatives and friends. Didn't the old gentleman think about it?"

  The old man smiled again: "Yes, it is indeed possible. But you don't care about Peiyuan Dan, which means that you should have a lot of Peiyuan Dan.

   However, I was fortunate enough to eat a Peiyuan Dan, but the effect was not as good as the one you gave me. It is said that medicinal pills such as Peiyuan Dan have grades, and the higher the grade of medicinal pills, the better the effect.

   So I guess, the Peiyuan Dan I just ate should be of quite good quality. But even so, you don't care.

   This means that there must be a very powerful pharmacist around you, either you, your master or relatives and friends.

   But when I look at you, I think you are like a pharmacist. You have a very special medicinal scent on your body, which is integrated and refreshing.

   This kind of taste, I don't think ordinary magicians can have it. Only a pharmacist can do it. "

   Ruan Tang was completely stunned. She subconsciously smelled her body, and she did smell a very faint medicinal scent.

   But this kind of smell should not be smelled by ordinary people.

   She said deliberately: "In this case, the old gentleman's sense of smell is really unusual."

The old man laughed suddenly, as if he was amused by her words: "The little girl doesn't know something. I am born with a keen sense of smell, and I can distinguish even very subtle smells. In the past, I relied on this ability, But it's scented."

   Ruan Tang heard him say this, and suddenly remembered that Fenghua had mentioned this old man in a previous life.

   Fenghua was alone at the time, maybe he was too lonely, so he wanted to find someone to talk to, so he told her a lot of things about the teacher's past.

   As mentioned, his teacher is not only good at calligraphy and painting, but also incense, and the perfumes and incense pills he concocted are very good-smelling, which attracted those big businessmen who made incense to come and buy them.

   He also said a lot of interesting stories from the past, but unfortunately the people have passed away. Those happy and interesting stories in the past are always sad when they are brought up again.

   Fortunately, she met this old man and didn't let him be halfway back to Longjing like in the previous life.

   Ruan Tang suddenly felt that it was really great that she could come back here.

   The person who had passed away is now lying alive in front of her.

  Since the old man can survive, what about the others?

   Now that she is back, she will definitely be able to make up for all the regrets, so that all of them can have a happy ending.

   Ruan Tang thought of this, and there was a three-point smile on his face: "The old man is really good, but ... you just guessed wrong."

  The old man was stunned: "I guessed wrong? Are you not a pharmacist?"

   Ruan Tang corrected: "To be exact, I should be a spiritual doctor."

   (end of this chapter)

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