Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 773: I have a way to cure

   Chapter 773 I have a way to cure

   The old man's eyes widened slightly and looked at Ruan Tang in shock: "Ling... Doctor Ling?"

   Ruan Tang nodded: "Yes, for example, I have a way to cure your hands."

   As soon as these words came out, the old man instantly became excited. He stared at Ruan Tang, as if the drowning man saw the life-saving straw: " can..."

   Ruan Tang nodded affirmatively: "I can, but your hand has been injured for too long, and you are old. If you want to treat these hands, you must first take care of your body."

   " hands..." The old man lowered his eyes, looking at his distorted hands, his eyes suddenly became wet.

   However, after watching for a while, he suddenly smiled bitterly: "Little girl, are you fooling me? You see that my hand is already like this, where is there any possibility of recovery?"

   Ruan Tang knew that he had been in despair for too long, and now he suddenly had hope, but he couldn't believe it.

   He was afraid that everything in front of him was a scam, and when he regained hope, he became desperate again.

   So she said: "Since the old gentleman knows the magician, he should know that the magician has all kinds of incredible abilities, which are different from ordinary people. I am a spiritual doctor, and ordinary doctors can't save you. I, a spiritual doctor, can."

  The old man fell into deep thought when he heard this.

   Ruan Tang guessed that he went to recall the magician he met before, or the news about the magician.

   So she didn't bother him and let him think slowly.

  The old man pondered for a while, maybe he remembered something, he looked at Ruan Tang, but his eyes completely changed: "Little girl, if you help me heal my hands, what do you want?"

   He knows that there is no free lunch in the world, and if you want to get something, you must give something first.

   If he doesn't give anything, it will make him feel uneasy.

   Ruan Tang saw his concerns and said: "The old gentleman just said that you can make perfume. In this case, when your hands recover, you can make perfume for me."

   "Perfume?" The old man hesitated, "But I haven't been incense for many years. Even if my hands can recover, I may not be able to brew a fragrance that satisfies you."

   Ruan Tang didn't expect him to be so sincere, so he could only pretend to say lofty: "It's okay, I believe in you."

The old man couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Don't, don't, now I can't even believe in myself. Well, if you can really heal my hands, and don't think that my old thing is useless, you need to let me in the future. You can tell me what to do. As long as I can do it, I will do my best.”

   He didn't know if he could get the house back, so that was all he could say.

   Although he doesn't know how good this little girl's medical skills are, but he finally encountered such an opportunity, how could he be willing to just give up?

   So take a gamble.

   If he wins the bet, his hands might have a chance to recover.

   Even if he loses the bet, he has nothing to lose.

   After all, his life was saved by others. Even if he didn't help him treat the hands, he should repay the life-saving grace.

   But... this little girl just seemed to say that she didn't know the names of her biological parents.

   Could it be that she never even met her biological parents?

How could this be?

   Was she taken away by Master when she was very young? Or did something else happen that caused their relatives to be separated?

  Her parents, would they be people he had met before?

   (end of this chapter)

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