Chapter 814 Blind

   Maybe it was because he heard Fang Xuan's words before, and Shi Zan didn't have a good impression of Jiang Shiyu.

   As soon as he saw Jiang Shiyu, he didn't like it.

   Wei Liangchen is clearly the object of Yibao, what does she mean by always following Wei Liangchen and holding Wei Liangchen's waist?

   Don't you feel too intimate?

   Besides, she said that she was worried that Fenghua and Fang Xuan came here. What was there to worry about in her eyes?

   When people are blind!

   That girl looked about the same size as Tangtang, she was not as good-looking as Tangtang, and her temperament was not as likable as Tangtang.

   I don't even bother to pretend.

   can only deceive a young man like Wei Liangchen.

  Thinking of this, Shi Zan looked at Fenghua with disgust: "When did you lose your eyes? I'll listen to you, you used to like that girl?"

  Fenghua: "…"

   He used to like that girl Jiang Shiyu, but can he blame him for being blind?

   That girl is beautiful and well-behaved, and she is very good at talking and laughing at everyone. It's hard not to like it, right?

   If it wasn't for Fang Xuan's mention this time, he really couldn't imagine that Feng Yi's disappearance would be related to Jiang Shiyu.

   Her appearance is too deceptive.

   However, after seeing her this time, he suddenly felt that he seemed quite blind before.

  Fenghua thought of the missing Feng Yi, and then thought of the beautiful Jiang Shiyu, and felt very uncomfortable.

   His daughter has been missing for half a month, and I don’t know how much she suffered.

  Jiang Shiyu was still dressed as beautifully as before and followed Wei Liangchen.

  Like a little princess.

   Now he has not seen Yibao, and there is no evidence to prove that the disappearance of Yibao is related to Jiang Shiyu.

   You can only let her go first.

   If he waits for him to find Yibao and proves that she was really harmed by Jiang Shiyu, he will never let Jiang Shiyu go!

At this time, Fang Xuan came out: "Teacher, don't dislike Brother Feng, in fact, even I am a blind man. If the little girl hadn't told me, I would never have thought that the disappearance of Yibao would be related to the Jiang Shiyu is related. She disguised too well, and that person also said that Jiang Shiyu is evil, and we are not her opponents."

  Shi Zan recalled Jiang Shiyu's appearance, and could only sigh helplessly: "Okay, it's not your fault, hurry up and think about what you have to do, don't think about it until you are about to get on the train."

   Having said this, he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, remember to bring some food, things on the train are not cheap."

   Fang Xuan nodded: "I know."

   Of course she knew that the things on the train were not cheap, but now it's a hot day, and she can't put down what she eats.

   Instead of buying cookies, it is better to buy food on the train.

  The train leaves at 6 o'clock in the evening. Fang Xuan and Fenghua had dinner at home in advance to save money, and then went out with a salute.

  Shi Zan wanted to send them off, but they persuaded them to stop him, and in the end he only sent them to the gate of the courtyard.

   After Fenghua and Fang Xuan went out, they went directly to the bus station, took the bus to the train station, and waited for the bus.

   There were many people at the train station, and the couple stayed together vigilantly until the train entered the station and got on the train together again.

   At six o'clock in the evening, the train leaves on time.

   The couple looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and their hearts could not help but hang high.

Is   Yibao really in Jiangcheng?

   When they arrived in Jiangcheng, can they really find Yibao?

   I hope the man didn't deceive them.

   (end of this chapter)

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