Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 815: Calculation after two years

   Chapter 815 Calculations after two years

  When Fenghua and Fang Xuan got on the train, they didn't know that Ruan Tang was also at the train station, and watched them get on the train with his own eyes.

  Thank you for staying by her side. After the train set off, he said, "They've already left, where are you going now?"

   Ruan Tang thought for a while and said, "Well, let's find a place to have dinner first. The rest will be discussed later in the evening."

   She didn't intend to let Jiang Shiyu go, but the day was not a good time to do it.

  Jiang Shiyu, relying on the system, has already captured a lot of people, and is a genuine group pet.

   Dealing with her in an open and fair manner is too stupid.

   Ruan Tang is not so pedantic, so she intends to play yin and come straight to surprise.

   It was two years later when she met Jiang Shiyu in her previous life.

   She took the college entrance examination and was admitted to the university in Longjing.

   But he met Jiang Shiyu at school.

   At that time, she hadn't retrieved her memory yet, and Jiang Shiyu disguised it very well. Although she didn't like this person instinctively, she couldn't find the reason.

   So when she was calculated by Jiang Shiyu and used as a shield, she could be said to be defenseless.

   Until later, she didn't know the reason why Jiang Shiyu calculated her.

   She and Jiang Shiyu are both rare beauties, and they were also selected as school beauties.

   Jiang Shiyu was dissatisfied with her stealing the limelight, and Jiang Shiyu himself was too high-profile, which attracted the attention of some people.

   So in order to get rid of those people, he pushed her out.

   kills two birds with one stone.

   Now, there are still more than two years before she is calculated by Jiang Shiyu.

  Unfortunately, she is no longer the one who had her memories sealed and defenseless in the past.

   Tonight, she wants to see how much Jiang Shiyu is capable now!

   How many tricks can her system use!

   But it's still early, it's not dark, she and Xie Ci can go to have dinner first, and then go for a walk.

   No matter whether Ruan Tang or thank you, he is not someone who will wrong him.

   So the two went directly to the largest restaurant in Longjing, Longjing Hotel.

  Longjing Hotel is very stylish. There are many guest rooms here, and the accommodation environment is much better than that of a guest house.

   But Ruan Tang and Xie Ci did not live here.

  Longjing Hotel is not an ordinary place. It’s okay to eat here. If you live here, it will be too eye-catching.

   What's more, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci can go back to the villa to rest, the guest house room is just a cover up.

   That kind of small guest house is inconspicuous at all, and it is the most easily overlooked.

   Entering the Longjing Hotel, Ruan Tang felt magnificent for the first time in this era.

   But she just glanced at it casually, then withdrew her gaze and didn't look any further.

  This place, she has been here in her previous life.

   But not this time, but two years later.

   She had just entered university at the time, and by coincidence she was assigned to the same dormitory as Jiang Shiyu.

  Jiang Shiyu, as the host, invited them to dinner.

   The place to treat guests is this Longjing Hotel.

   At that time, when Jiang Shiyu said he wanted to treat guests, all of them felt flattered.

   After they followed Jiang Shiyu out of the dormitory, they saw a very handsome jeep parked downstairs.

   The driver was a handsome and handsome man. Jiang Shiyu said it was her brother, but she envied them enough.

  She was a country bumpkin at the time, and she was so shocked that she couldn't say anything when she saw the brand new jeep.

   If Jiang Shiyu hadn't pushed her, she wouldn't even dare to sit on it.

After   , they came to this Longjing Hotel by car.

   (end of this chapter)

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