Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 827: lean on thank you

   Chapter 827 Leaning on Xie Ci

   Ruan Tang remembered that in this courtyard of the Feng family, a resident had an accident.

   That time, the trouble was quite big, and it also brought a lot of trouble to Fenghua.

   makes Fenghua's already bad life even worse.

  If possible, you have to find a way to drive out all the residents inside.

  This is the house of the Feng family, so why spoil it for these outsiders?

   Fortunately, there are still several years before that incident happened, so there is no need to worry now.

   Moreover, the current situation is special, the house has not been brought back, even if you want to evict people, the time is not suitable.

   At times like this, it’s better to avoid extraneous branches first.

  Thinking like this, Ruan Tang glanced coldly at those rooms, finally withdrew his gaze, and walked into Shi Zan's room quietly.

   There is no light in the room, the light is very dim.

   However, Ruan Tang was not affected.

   With her current strength, she can see clearly even in the dark.

   She glanced at Shi Zan, who was in a state of drowsiness, turned her palms over, and took out the needle bag.

  Shi Zan suffered too much in the past few years on the farm, and his body also suffered great losses.

   Relying on Peiyuan Dan is simply not enough.

   must be combined with acupuncture treatment.

   It's just that she has to deal with Jiang Shiyu this time, so it is inconvenient to treat Shi Zan in an open and fair manner, otherwise once Jiang Shiyu targets Shi Zan, Shi Zan will be in danger.

  Since she accidentally rescued Shi Zan, she can no longer let him be harmed by that vicious woman Jiang Shiyu.

   Ruan Tang's eyes turned cold when he thought of this.

   But she soon stopped thinking about it and started giving Shi Zan acupuncture.

   With the memory retrieval, her strength has also recovered a lot, and she no longer needs slow acupuncture.

   can control a lot of golden needles at one time, and all the golden needles will be pierced on the accurate acupoints by raising it at will.

   Ruan Tang also used these golden needles to input spiritual power, and began to condition Shi Zan's body and repair the dark wounds in his body.

  Shi Zan is old and tired for many years, and there are quite a lot of dark wounds on his body.

   Ruan Tang repaired the past little by little, and before you knew it, time passed.

   By the time she finished, it was already two hours later.

   Ruan Tang spent a lot of spiritual energy, and as soon as the treatment ended, he felt exhausted.

   At this moment, the thank-you who had been protecting her suddenly said, "If you feel tired, just lean on me."

   Ruan Tang thought that he would be embarrassed, but he didn't know why, so his body naturally leaned on Xie Ci, as if he had long been used to it.

   She pursed her lips uncomfortably, but she was too tired, so she let herself lean on Xie Ci.

   even said softly: "Thank you, I'm so tired."

  Xie Ci's eyes were a little cold, but he was not looking at Ruan Tang, but at Shi Zan.

   He said with some displeasure: "Since you feel tired, why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

   Ruan Tang keenly sensed his dissatisfaction, and couldn't help rubbing against him: "Probably because of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Looking at those dark wounds makes me feel uncomfortable, and I can't stop repairing them."

  Xie Ci didn't believe her nonsense at all.

   He knew that Ruan Tang just wanted to save Shi Zan.

   But he really didn't want to see her forcing herself like this.

   Even if he sent Ruan Tang back, didn't he just want her to make up for these regrets?

  Since she wants to save Shi Zan, then she can.

  Who made him Fenghua's teacher?

  However, although this old man is a little weaker, he has a good temperament.

  If he is well recuperated, it will also be a help to Ruan Tang in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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