Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 828: do bad things secretly

   Chapter 828 Secretly Doing Bad Things

   Ruan Tang rested for a while relying on her thank you speech. After recovering some spiritual power, she turned her spiritual power on, and the tired feeling on her body soon disappeared.

   Ruan Tang sighed with satisfaction, then stretched, took out a bottle of Peiyuan Dan and put it on the cabinet beside the bed, took out a pen and paper, wrote a note, and pressed it under the bottle.

   Then he said to Xie Ci: "Okay, let's go."

  Xie Ci glanced at the Peiyuan Pill and the note, and quickly withdrew his gaze without interest.

   pulled Ruan Tang out.

   It was already late at night, and it was dark all around.

Everyone around    fell asleep, and with Ruan Tang and Xie Ci's ears, they could clearly hear the sound of breathing in all directions.

   Ruan Tang was about to leave, but when she walked into the yard, she remembered the memories of her previous life again.

  Feng's family has a dozen families living in this courtyard. It stands to reason that if everyone lives together, they can be considered neighbors for many years, and the relationship should be good.

   It’s a pity that although the neighbors have a good relationship, they definitely don’t include the Feng family.

  The people who live here are all poor and houseless residents, but Fenghua and Fang Xuan are different.

   So naturally, those neighbors didn't like the Feng family.

The mentality of    hatred of the rich not only exists in later generations, but also exists in any period.

   After all, the human heart is like that, no matter when, there will always be those who hate the rich.

  My own life is not good, but others are very rich.

   Anyone will feel uncomfortable.

   So there are always those who are psychologically distorted, who like to watch others fall from the clouds into the mud, in order to satisfy their distorted desires.

   As the saying goes, a phoenix with feathers is not as good as a chicken.

  Fenghua and Fang Xuan are the phoenixes that have lost their hair, how can they get along well with real pheasants?

   These neighbors all knew that the house used to belong to the Feng family. They lived in the house that originally belonged to the Feng family, so they naturally felt uncomfortable.

   I feel a little lack of confidence.

   Therefore, in order to make himself feel better, of course, he had to bully the Feng family, trample them into the mud, and make them unable to get up at all.

   As long as the Feng family's life is not as good as theirs, how can they be qualified to dislike them?

  Some people are just so ridiculous.

  When you are extremely inferior, you will be extremely proud, and everyone will feel that the other person looks down on you.

  When Feng Yi and Fang Xuan had accidents one after another, these neighbors bullied Feng Hua, who was alone and widowed.

   Ruan Tang recalled the things he had found, and his face not only became colder and colder.

   So she didn't leave directly, but before leaving, she specially sent a small gift to all the neighbors.

After    was done, she took a peek at Xie Ci, and seeing that he didn't respond, she said without changing her face, "Let's go out."

   As if the person who just did something bad was not her.

  Xie Ci naturally saw her small movements, and also knew what small gifts she gave those people.

   Seeing her cautiously peeping appearance made her feel a little funny.

   At the same time a little happy.

   Ruan Tang peeked at him, obviously caring about his thoughts.

   This shows that she has put him in her heart.

  Thank you very much.

   He didn't take the lives of those people seriously, let alone Ruan Tang didn't do anything ruthless, he just made them have some nightmares.

  Though those people lived a poor life, their temperament was also twisted. If you really want to count them, they are not innocent.

   Also, only those with a dark heart have nightmares.

  If it's not evil, of course not.

   In the end, his Tangtang was still too soft-hearted.

   (end of this chapter)

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