Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 829: Jiang Shiyu wants revenge

   Chapter 829 Jiang Shiyu wants revenge

   At the bottom of the fence, Xie Ci stopped and looked at Ruan Tang expectantly.

   Ruan Tang then remembered that he could not use magic power.

  Recalling the previous experience, Ruan Tang quickly grabbed Xie Ci's waist and led him over the fence.

   When he got outside, Ruan Tang only felt that the whole air was fresh.

   This is not her illusion. There are many people living in Feng's yard, and many of them also keep chickens and ducks. The air is always filled with the smell of chicken and duck dung.

After    came out, the smell was gone, isn't the air fresh?

   Ruan Tang looked up at the sky.

   The stars in the sky are still twinkling.

   It was almost midnight.

  The dead of night is especially suitable for doing some bad things.

   Ruan Tang's eyes lit up and whispered to Xie Ci: "It's almost time, let's go to Jiang Shiyu!"

  Xieci smiled and nodded: "I listen to you."

   Ruan Tang looked around and said, "There are too many people living here, let's get out of here first, and then take out the motorcycle."

   After she finished speaking, she immediately took her thanks and left, found a place where no one was around, and took out the motorcycle.

   Then he took Xie to the place where Jiang Shiyu lived.

the other side.

   Jiang Shiyu and He Yuanzhuo dined at the Longjing Hotel.

  She was in a pretty good mood. Fengyi disappeared, Fenghua and Fang Xuan were going to the state city, just in time for her to do it, so they could never come back.

   Who would have thought that he would be bullied by a dead girl at the Longjing Hotel!

   What made her even more angry was that He Yuanzhuo was so afraid of Liu Yuan that he didn't teach that **** Liu Shengyu for her!

   Damn, who are those siblings?

  Longjing is very powerful with a family name of Liu, but she is not familiar with it at all.

   That brother and sister are also surnamed Liu. Could it be that they belong to the Liu family?

   Jiang Shiyu's stomach full of anger can't be vented, where can there be appetite?

   Even if the food is delicious, she is still chewing it up.

   Fortunately, Liu Shengyu has already used the bad luck charm, which can finally make her feel better.

  Jiang Shiyu was eating the food while thinking about Liu Shengyu and Liu Yuan.

  I don't know at all, both names are pseudonyms.

   The real names of the two are Ruan Tang and Xie Ci!

   Because of that mark, when Ruan Tang and Xie Ci left the Longjing Hotel, Jiang Shiyu knew it through the system.

   It was just that she and He Yuanzhuo had not finished their meals at that time.

   And she has already come out of the big clown, and she does not plan to continue to chase after the shame.

   pretended nothing had happened, and continued to have dinner with He Yuanzhuo.

   At the same time, he secretly watched Liu Shengyu's whereabouts.

   After dinner, He Yuanzhuo drove Jiang Shiyu home.

After    Jiang Shiyu returned to the room, he immediately let the system lock the marked position, intending to teach Ruan Tang a lesson.

   But it wasn't completely dark at that time, so she didn't dare to chase after it immediately.

   waited in the room until it was dark and everyone else fell asleep, then she suddenly got up from the bed and said to the system, "System, send me there immediately!"

   Jiang Shiyu has long known that her system is very powerful.

   As long as there are coordinates, you can teleport with her.

   If you just teleport, you need to charge the toll.

  【Transmission fee is 5 luck value, do you want to teleport now? 】

   Jiang Shiyu felt blood in her heart when she heard the price, but thinking of that annoying Liu Shengyu, she still gritted her teeth and said, "Yes! Send me there immediately!"

   An icy mechanical sound quickly sounded: [The teleportation starts, deducting 5 Luck Points! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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