Chapter 854 finally arrived

  While Ruan Tang was watching the fun with melon seeds, Fenghua and Fang Xuan had already arrived at Jiangcheng first.

   They bought a train ticket to Zhoucheng and changed trains on the way.

   So there was some delay in the middle.

   When they arrived at Jiangcheng Railway Station, it was just noon.

   Both of them were very hungry, and they were worried that they would not be able to find Fengyi in Jiangcheng, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

After    walked out of the train station, the two couldn't wait to find Fengyi.

   But looking at the unfamiliar street, the couple were dumbfounded.

   Jiangcheng is so big, where are they going to find Fengyi?

  Is Fengyi really here?

  Fang Xuan nervously grabbed Fenghua's hand, her voice trembling: "Brother Feng, do you think we can find Yibao?"

  Fenghua rubbed his stomach and sighed: "Let's find a place to eat first, and then we will have the strength to find someone when we are full."

   In fact, he is really hungry now, but he has no appetite to eat at all.

   He was more anxious than Fang Xuan.

   But there was no way, he knew that Fang Xuan had been sleeping poorly these days, and he hadn't closed his eyes very much on the train.

   The whole person is like a taut string that may break if you are not careful.

   If he panics again, what will Fang Xuan do?

   So he had to calm down and arrange everything rationally.

   Let Fang Xuan go to eat, firstly to fill her stomach, and secondly to calm her down.

  Fang Xuan had no appetite to eat at all, and just looked at the pedestrians on the road with a pair of eyes in a panic, as if looking at it like this, she could see her daughter.

  Fenghua was helpless and had to persuade her: "Let's go to dinner first. We don't know the exact whereabouts of Yibao yet, so we can only wait for news from that girl."

  Fang Xuan was very nervous: "But what if she doesn't show up?"

  Fenghua comforted her: "Then let's go to the police station and ask, anyway, everyone came. Look, what do you and I have to do with each other? Since she asked us to come here, she will definitely be able to find Yibao."

After   , he took Fang Xuan to find the restaurant.

   Fortunately, there is a restaurant near the train station, so Fenghua pulled Fang Xuan in.

   He was afraid that Fang Xuan would run away, so he kept holding her while waiting for the dishes, and he kept comforting her.

   However, his voice was very low, and he deliberately chose a corner position for fear of being heard.

   After all, he has encountered many difficulties, and Fenghua is very vigilant now.

   He knows that there are many troubles near the train station, and it is easy to encounter liars, thieves, traffickers and so on.

   If you hear something from these people, you will definitely come to deceive them.

   He and Fang Xuan have just come here, and they are unfamiliar with each other. If they are deceived, it will be a real shame.

   However, no matter how vigilant he was, not long after the two sat down, someone still came over to chat up.

  Fenghua's heart instantly rose to his throat.

  's hand gripped Fang Xuan even tighter.

   Fortunately, Fang Xuan is not stupid.

   After the couple finished their meal in fear, Fenghua couldn't wait to pull Fang Xuan away.

   However, after walking out, the two of them looked at the unfamiliar street and felt even more uneasy in their hearts.

  Where are they going to find someone?

   Just when the two of them were flying around like flies, Ruan Tang and Xie Ci also arrived at the train station.

   After the two walked out of the train station, Ruan Tang started looking for someone.

   She gave Fang Xuan a photo, and she moved her hands and feet on that photo. If it was not far away, she could sense the location of the photo.

   Sure enough, after careful sensing, she discovered the whereabouts of the photo.

   Ruan Tang immediately said to Xie Ci: "I found it, let's go over quickly."

   (end of this chapter)

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