Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 855: someone strikes up a conversation

   Chapter 855 Someone strikes up a conversation

   When Ruan Tang and Xie Ci were looking for them, Fenghua and Fang Xuan were on the road.

  This is the first time for the two of them to come to Jiangcheng, and they are very unfamiliar with everything here.

   Although Jiangcheng is also a big city, it is far behind compared to Longjing.

   The streets are obviously not as prosperous as Longjing.

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan suddenly came to such a place, and they felt very uncomfortable.

   What makes them even more uncomfortable is that they are new here and they are not familiar with the place, and they don’t even know where to look for their daughter.

   Even if they wanted to find the girl before, they didn't know where to look.

  The two walked on the street for a while like headless flies, hesitating whether to go to the police station.

   When Ruan Tang and Xie Ci found them, they were being accosted.

   It was a middle-aged woman who seemed to be very kind and eager to help.

  The woman said kindly: "You are from other places, right? Are you looking for someone? If you need help, just tell me. I live near here, and there is no place in Jiangcheng that I don't know about."

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan were very vigilant.

  Fenghua pulled Fang Xuan and asked directly, "Do you know where the police station is? I lost my wallet and I'm going to report to the police station."

   Fang Xuan opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it, and Fenghua played it.

   When the middle-aged woman heard Feng Hua's words, her face was obviously stiff.

   But it quickly covered up the past.

She quickly said: "I lost my wallet? That would be difficult. I guess you put all your money in your wallet, right? What about the wallet? Can't find it either.

   Let me tell you, Jiangcheng is not small, there are a lot of thieves, and if they steal something, they run away, and they can't catch them at all. You are too careless.

   By the way, do you have a place to live? If not, I can help you find a place to stay first. Are you looking for people, or are you looking for jobs? "

  Fenghua's attitude became even colder after hearing her say: "No need, we have relatives here, you can just take us to the police station. Let's report the case first."

   As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged woman's face became a little stiff again.

   When Ruan Tang saw this, he knew he couldn't watch it any longer.

  If Fenghua is asked to report the case, things will be troublesome.

   So she took out the pen and paper, quickly wrote a sentence, then squeezed it into a ball of paper, and threw it at Fenghua.

  Fenghua instinctively caught the ball of paper, and after a glance, his expression changed instantly.

   He immediately raised his head and looked around warily.

   However, Ruan Tang had already covered up his figure, so he didn't let him see it at all.

   The middle-aged woman looked at this scene in astonishment, and asked inexplicably, "Where did the paper **** come from? It's really strange, who is so immoral to throw things around."

   As she said, she looked around curiously, and when she found that there was no one nearby, she felt a creepy feeling.

   Strange, no one around, how did this paper ball appear?

  Is it possible…

  The woman didn't know what to think, and suddenly felt a little scared.

   At this time, Fenghua said: "Sorry, we still have something to do, so I won't bother you."

   After he finished saying this, he took Fang Xuan and left.

   Fang Xuan also saw the paper ball, and recognized that the paper of the paper ball was the same kind of paper that Ruan Tang gave her last time, and realized something in her heart.

   So the whole heart was lifted.

   (end of this chapter)

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