Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 869: She deserves it!

   Chapter 869 She deserves it!

  The three Feng family fell into silence when they thought of what happened to Sun Ximei.

But Tang Hongxiu suddenly said: "Actually, it was Sun Ximei's mother-in-law Zhang Cuihua who threw away Tangtang. Sun Ximei was cowardly and was always afraid of her mother-in-law and her husband, and Zhang Cuihua once said that if Sun Ximei had another daughter, she would throw it away. "

  Fengyi was puzzled: "If it was her, why did she throw the child away after a month?"

   As soon as these words came out, Feng Hua and Fang Xuan also felt that something was wrong.

  Jiang Chunshui thought about it and said, "Dr. Song and his lover were from outside at that time. Zhang Cuihua was bullying the soft and afraid of being hard. I guess he was afraid that they would make trouble when they found out."

   Fang Xuan narrowed her eyes and suddenly said a guess: "Could it be that Zhang Cuihua also knew that Tangtang was not theirs, so she deliberately threw Tangtang after Fengxi and the others left?"

   Fenghua's expression changed instantly when he heard this.

  Fengyi's face also changed: "Why do I think this is possible? Since they are a family, it's impossible not to see Tangtang's appearance, right?"

  The faces of everyone in the Ruan family also changed.

   Having said that, is it really possible for Zhang Cuihua to know?

   However, after a strange silence, Tang Hongxiu suddenly shook his head: "No, she shouldn't know.

When   Tangtang first came to our house, he was as thin as a little monkey, and looked like he could not survive.

   She was severely malnourished at the time, and she was already too thin to look like Fengxi.

After    arrived at our house, she slowly raised some meat and gradually gained weight.

  Tangtang has been in our family for all these years, and the Wang family has never asked for trouble. I'm afraid you don't know, the Wang family is very greedy. If they knew that Tangtang was the child they threw away, they would have come to the door long ago.

  If Zhang Cuihua knew that Tangtang was Fengxi's daughter, it was impossible not to know that Tangtang was the child she threw away.

   If she really knew, she would have kept Tangtang, and she would use Tangtang for benefits in the future, and it was impossible to throw it out directly. If Feng Xi came over, wouldn't he be an enemy? "

   When she said this, both Feng Hua and Fang Xuan felt that she was right.

   Only Fengyi asked, "Aunt Tang, you just said that when Tangtang first arrived at your house, she was severely malnourished and had lost her shape. Could it be that Sun Ximei didn't even give Tangtang anything to eat?"

  Tang Hongxiu recalled Ruan Tang's appearance back then, and was also distressed: "I guess she was worried that Tangtang's appearance could not be concealed, so she deliberately starved Tangtang and made Tangtang hungry and thin.

   That's right, Zhang Cuihua's grandson had just been born at that time. With her temperament, she should have asked Sun Ximei to leave her milk to her grandson. Tangtang was afraid that she would not be able to drink any milk at that time. "

   Fang Xuan heard this, and immediately said with a cold face: "Even if there is no milk, it will not be too thin to lose shape. It is definitely intentional to starve Tangtang, not to eat, so that you will be so hungry.

  Although Zhang Cuihua said she would throw away the child, she may not really do it. Didn't she see Tangtang too thin and think she couldn't support her, so she threw Tangtang out cruelly?

   So although this green flower is hateful, the pitiful Sun Ximei is the most vicious one!

   Not only did she deliberately lose the baby, but she also deliberately starved and lost Tangtang, and then watched Zhang Cuihua throw Tangtang out!

   This kind of person, huh... No wonder she hasn't given birth to a son for more than ten years, she has been punished! She deserved to die in the end! "

   With her upbringing, she shouldn't have said such a thing.

   But Fang Xuan couldn't help it!

   (end of this chapter)

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