Chapter 870 The Price of Luck

   Fang Xuan hates it so much.

   She had previously thought that Sun Ximei was quite pitiful.

   But after hearing that, she suddenly realized that although this Sun Ximei was pitiful, she was even more hateful!

  Sun Ximei also has a daughter, and Tangtang was so young at the time, she was able to starve Tangtang cruelly and deliberately starve Tangtang so thin!

   Such a woman is simply not worthy of being a human being, let alone a mother!

The more Fang Xuan thought about it, the more she hated it, and she couldn't help but grit her teeth and said, "When Feng Xi wrote to us, she said that the child she gave birth was too thin, she was already very careful about raising the child, who knew that the child would still be so thin after birth? .

   In order to make her child fat, she forced herself to eat a lot of food she didn't like, just to be able to feed her child more milk!

   She treated Sun Ximei's daughter like this. Sun Ximei was good, but she deliberately starved Tangtang and made Tangtang so thin that she could not live anymore, how could she be so cruel! "

  It's a pity that Sun Ximei is not here, otherwise she really wants to beat Sun Ximei.


   is simply not human!

   What's even more hateful is that Feng Xi didn't know anything, and he took good care of Sun Ximei's daughter!

   Even if that child is innocent, Fang Xuan still doesn't like her.

   Everything she has now should belong to Tangtang!

   If Tangtang was not lucky enough to meet the Ruan family, would she have disappeared many years ago?

   She was only a month old at the time!

   Fengxi worked so hard to protect her and gave birth to her with all her life. If it just disappeared, how broken would Fengxi be if she knew the truth?

  Unfortunately, Feng Xi disappeared many years ago.

   I don't know where I am now.

   is still alive.

   Thinking of Feng Xi, whose whereabouts are unknown and whose life and death are unknown, Fang Xuan suddenly wondered whether Ruan Tang was lucky or unfortunate.

  If Sun Ximei hadn't lost her baby, Ruan Tang would have disappeared with Fengxi.

   It is impossible to meet them, let alone save Feng Yi.

   Thinking of Fengyi, Fang Xuan's mood couldn't help but get more complicated.

   She didn't dare to think about what would happen if Fengyi was not lucky enough to meet Ruan Tang and was rescued by Ruan Tang.

  Perhaps, this is the destiny of heaven.

   Although Ruan Tang was dumped by Sun Ximei, she almost starved to death, and was abandoned again, almost freezing to death.

   But she was lucky to meet the Ruan family, but it was a blessing in disguise, and the times came.

   finally saved Fengxi.

  Fang Xuan thought of this, but he was not so angry, but rather fortunate.

   She didn't know how difficult it was for Ruan Tang to survive.

   If it wasn't for Ruan Tang's extraordinary background, the child in Fengxi's belly would have long since disappeared.

  If she still had some abilities at the time, when Sun Ximei deliberately starved her, she would have been starved to death.

   Even after being abandoned, it is impossible to support Ruan Mingcheng to pick her up.

  If she hadn't saved Tang Hongxiu and the child in her womb, Tang Hongxiu would have died.

Under such a tragic incident, how could Ruan Tang be regarded as a lucky star? Instead, it will be regarded as a broom star.

  If Tang Hongxiu was killed twice, the Ruan family would not be able to adopt her at that time, no matter how kind-hearted she was.

   Fang Xuan felt that Ruan Tang was lucky, but did not know that these so-called luck were all obtained by Ruan Tang with strength.

   And the price is that she lost her last strength, her memory was sealed, and she eventually grew up like an ordinary person.

   Then he met Jiang Shiyu, was calculated by Jiang Shiyu, and finally died with Jiang Shiyu's system because of his lack of strength.

  Tangtang is really not easy in order to survive~

   (end of this chapter)

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