Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 879: Could it be that this is also her ability?

   Chapter 879 Could it be that this is also her ability?

   Ruan Mingcheng picked up a piece of **** and pinched it secretly, his fingers suddenly hurt.

   Only then did he believe that these scraps were really the stones just now.

   Such a hard stone, Ruan Tang was able to crush it into pieces, her strength was too great!

   Could it be that this is also her ability?

   He is still a big man, and he can't even match his sister. Isn't he too useless?

   Ruan Mingcheng thought of this, he couldn't help but picked up the glass of ice drink and took a big sip.

Feeling the cold taste in his mouth, he couldn't help but say: "You have these abilities, you should hide it, how can you say it? And these things, you shouldn't take them out casually. In case people find out …”

   Ruan Tang interrupted him: "You are my brother, not an outsider. I only tell you, I don't plan to let outsiders know."

   Her tone was natural, but it made Ruan Mingcheng feel sad.

   He felt as if his heart had been stabbed hard, and looking at Ruan Tang's natural expression, he couldn't say any more accusations.

   After being silent for a while, he said: "Don't tell your parents about this, they are getting old, I'm afraid they can't stand the stimulation.

Don't talk about    and your younger brother. They are still young and can't hide things. If they say it, you will be in danger. Let's talk about it later when the time is right. "

   Ruan Tang was hesitant to tell Jiang Chunshui and the others.

   Hearing what he said, she decided to hide it first.

   Anyway, Ruan Mingcheng already knows, and he will definitely help her deal with it in the future, and give Jiang Chunshui and the others some precautions.

   Ruan Tang thought for a while before saying, "Yibao has post-traumatic sequelae now, so I'm afraid she won't be able to go back to Longjing. If she doesn't go back, her parents should also stay."

   Ruan Mingcheng said nonchalantly, "What's the matter? There's nothing wrong with them staying. There are still empty rooms at home, so let them live in."

   Ruan Tang was a little worried: "But they are still very unfamiliar to the family. Would it be inconvenient to live here? I thought, if they stay, find another place for them."

   "No need." Ruan Mingcheng rejected her proposal, "Just let them live here. If you think about it, grandparents, grandparents and parents will not object."

  Only living together can it be easier for them to see clearly what kind of person the couple in the Feng family are.

   It is said that Lu Yao knows that horsepower sees people’s hearts for a long time, and they don’t live together. What year and month will they be able to see it?

   They are Ruan Tang's blood relatives, who knows if they are good?

  If it's not good and Tangtang recognizes them in the future, what should they do if they bully Tangtang?

   Ruan Mingcheng believed that Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu would also have such concerns.

  Since this is the case, it is better to live together. If they are really bad, they will always show their faults.

   Didn't Ruan Xiuqing disguise well at the beginning? He deceived the fourth uncle so much that he didn't talk about it, and also deceived many people in the village.

   Listening to grandma, she was also deceived at first, thinking that Ruan Xiuqing would be good.

   Even if he is a little squeamish, he will slowly change after marriage.

   But what about the result?

   So, we still have to live together.

  Only living together can you see whether the other person is a human or a ghost.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mingcheng said again: "Tangtang, I won't stop you from admitting your relatives, but I hope you can wait. You don't know them well, and you don't know their people, so it's better to be cautious, what do you think? "

   (end of this chapter)

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