Chapter 880 Feeling scared

   Ruan Tang knew that Ruan Mingcheng was kind, so he nodded with a smile, and said obediently, "Well, I listen to my brother."

   Ruan Mingcheng looked at her well-behaved smile, thinking of the years of getting along, the estrangement in his heart instantly vanished.

  What is he thinking?

   Even if Ruan Tang has some incredible abilities for ordinary people, she is also his own younger sister, isn't she?

   How could he be afraid of her and create a estrangement with her because she has become powerful?

   Thinking of this, Ruan Mingcheng quickly said: "Tangtang, no matter how powerful you become in the future, you will always be my sister."

   Ruan Tang's heart softened when he heard the words.

   She suddenly remembered another purpose of her own, so she said sternly: "Brother, do you still remember how Sun Ximei died?"

   Ruan Mingcheng frowned when he heard the name, his expression was disgusting, and his tone was not very happy: "Why are you asking this?"

   Even if she knew that Ruan Tang was very powerful now, Ruan Mingcheng didn't want her to continue thinking about a woman like Sun Ximei.

   It was only very fast, he suddenly guessed something, and he gave a sudden "crack" in his heart.

   Ruan Mingcheng looked at Ruan Tang worriedly, and asked in a little panic: "Tangtang, tell me, is her death related to you?"

   When Ruan Tang heard this, he knew that he was thinking crookedly: "Brother, where did you think? I didn't kill her, I just wanted to remind you that there are still many people with special abilities in this world.

  Some people, like me, do not deliberately harm others, but there are also many people who use their abilities to harm others. You have to be careful in the future. "

   Hearing her words, Ruan Mingcheng first breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his heart again: "What? Are there people who specifically hurt people? Could it be that Sun Ximei was killed by someone?"

   Ruan Tang nodded. She had long known that Ruan Mingcheng was very smart, but as soon as she reminded him, he guessed it.

   She deliberately reminded Ruan Mingcheng, so that he would not get into trouble in the future, so she said more: "Sun Ximei knew a sorcerer, and she had a deal with the sorcerer before, so these years either miscarried or gave birth to a stillbirth.

   She will die this time because she went to the sorcerer again and wanted to give birth to a son. But she didn't know that there was a stillbirth in her belly, and she was deceived by the sorcerer.

  The man gave her the red rope that had been used in sorcery, and she gave the red rope to Wang Zhaodi, wanting to exchange her daughter's life for her son's.

   The result, do you remember? Wang Zhaodi's red rope was robbed by Li Chunlan, and she fell ill after stealing the red rope.

   Later, Wang Zhaodi also went to the sorcerer and wanted you to marry her. After I found out, I destroyed the rope she asked for, and ended up with the sorcerer.

  Sun Ximei was deceived by the sorcerer, and her life was taken away. She only survived by relying on pills. When the medicine wears off, her time of death will come. "

   Ruan Mingcheng didn't know the inside story at all. Hearing Ruan Tang's words raised his heart.

  Sun Ximei is so dead!

  Wang Zhaodi actually found a sorcerer and wanted to harm him!

   Ruan Mingcheng recalled Wang Zhaodi's appearance subconsciously, and when he thought of her face, he felt terrified.

   Fortunately, Ruan Tang helped him, otherwise if he really fell into Wang Zhaodi's scheme and married her, wouldn't he be disgusted to death?

   Warlock or something, doesn't sound like a good thing.

   What would happen if he got hit?

   Ruan Mingcheng became more and more afraid, and finally looked at Ruan Tang gratefully and couldn't help asking her: "Tangtang, since you know this, is there any way to prevent it?"

   (end of this chapter)

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