Chapter 882 The source of fear

  Fenghua stared at the paintings, and soon finished all the paintings.

   The more he looked, the more ugly his face became.

   These paintings are clearly drawn by Feng Yi. He is Feng Yi's father. He has seen her usual paintings and knows all her painting habits.

   So looking at these paintings, he recognized them.

   But he would rather those paintings were not painted by Feng Yi, because as soon as he saw those paintings, he knew that the people who painted them were very scared.

  Fengyi is scared!

   Is it because of those injuries?

   She suddenly fell ill just now, was it because she heard the words "Jiang Shiyu"?

   It seems that the person did not lie, Feng Yi's disappearance is really related to Jiang Shiyu!

   But Feng Yi's current appearance can no longer be stimulated.

  If you want to know the truth, you can only think of other ways.

  Fenghua thought of this and suddenly saw the photo.

   Fang Xuan hugged Feng Yi worriedly, and put the photo on the table.

  Fenghua looked at the photo and couldn't help but think of Ruan Tang.

   He suspected that the photo was taken by Ruan Tang.

   He has been observing since he walked into this courtyard. Although Fengyi has lived here for a while, her relationship with the rest of the Ruan family is still very unfamiliar, and she is only very close to Ruan Tang.

   Just like sisters.

   Of course, they were originally sisters.

  Feng Yi has seen photos of Feng Xi since he was a child, and every time he flips through the album, Feng Yi will follow.

   Ruan Tang looks similar to Feng Xi, even if Feng Yi loses her memory, seeing Ruan Tang who looks similar to Feng Xi, she should subconsciously feel friendly.

   Just like when she saw him and Fang Xuan, although she didn't remember them, she still felt that they were kind.

   Fengyi smiled so softly in the photo, the person who took her photo must be Ruan Tang.

   So she just refused to say it.

  However, how could the photos taken by Ruan Tang fall into the hands of others? Did you go to Longjing?

   This is so wrong.

   Ruan Tang must have a secret!

   He looked at Fengyi and saw that she had calmed down, so he comforted: "Yibao, don't be afraid, we are all here, and no one can hurt you again."

  Feng Yi leaned against Fang Xuan weakly, thinking of the sudden fear just now, she still felt terrified.

   She tried to recall Fang Xuan's words, and quickly found the source of her fear.

   Jiang Poetry!

   She couldn't remember who this person was, but just by reciting the name silently, she couldn't help feeling scared.

   So, her disfigurement and amnesia are all related to this Jiang Shiyu, right?

  Fengyi shivered again when she thought of this.

   But she still insisted: "It's Jiang Shiyu! She ruined my face and caused me to lose my memory. Don't provoke her, she's very dangerous!"

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan changed their expressions instantly when they heard this.

   "Disfigured?" Fang Xuan stared at Feng Yi's face. Seeing that her face was intact, she couldn't help touching her hand, "Your face..."

   She originally wanted to ask, but when she got to this point, she couldn't go on.

   Afraid of provoking Feng Yi.

  Fengyi nodded: "When Tangtang rescued me, my face was terrible, but Tangtang gave me medicine, and the wound on my face disappeared."

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan were stunned again.

   Ruan Tang's medicine is so powerful?

   Or is Fengyi not seriously injured?

   The couple looked at each other again and felt that they should ask Ruan Tang.

   They dare not ask Fengyi, so they can only ask Ruan Tang.

   (end of this chapter)

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