Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 883: Suspect Ruan Tang

   Chapter 883 Suspect Ruan Tang

  Fenghua and Fang Xuan don't know what terrible thing Fengyi has suffered, but Fengyi has left post-traumatic sequelae, how can they dare to ask in detail?

   If she accidentally irritated her again, wouldn't it hurt Feng Yi again?

   So the couple decided to ask Ruan Tang a good question.

  Fang Xuan remembered Shi Zan's words again, and couldn't help but say, "Brother Feng, there is something I didn't tell you.

   When you went to buy a ticket, the teacher drew a sketch. The person on the drawing was very similar to Ruan Tang, so she should be her.

Teacher    said that he fell ill on the train and almost died. It was the girl in the painting who saved him.

   When I saw the girl he painted, I thought it looked very much like Fengxi, and I even compared it with photos. It's just that I didn't dare to tell you because I was afraid of making a mistake.

   Just now, Yibao said that her face was cured by Ruan Tang, so I thought about it again. You said, could that person be Ruan Tang?

  If it’s really her, the girl who gave me the photo should be her too, right? How else could this photo get to us? "

  Fenghua couldn't help shaking her heart when she heard these words.

   He just wanted to ask Ruan Tang, but he didn't expect that Ruan Tang had done so much!

  Since the person drawn by Shi Zan looks like Ruan Tang, it should be her.

   She actually went to Longjing on purpose just to tell them about Fengyi's whereabouts.

   When they came over just now, she actually pretended to be stupid.

  Doesn't want them to know that she did all this?

   Fenghua couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

   He knew that there were some talented people in this world, called sorcerers. But he didn't expect that his own niece might actually be a magician.

  Fenghua thought for a while and said, "You stay here with Yibao, I'll ask her."

Who knew that he was about to leave when Feng Yi suddenly asked, "You mean, Tangtang gave you the photos? She went to see you? She even saved people on the train? at home."

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan were stunned when they heard this.

   Fang Xuan asked in surprise: "She has been at home these days?"

  Fengyi nodded: "Yes."

  Fang Xuan couldn't help but be stunned: "But if she is always at home, how could the teacher meet her on the train? And who is the person who gave me the photo?"

  Fenghua thought for a while and said, "If my guess is correct, then the person the teacher met should be her. Don't think about it for now, I'll go and ask her."

  Fengyi saw that he was leaving, so she quickly stood up: "Then I'll go too!"

   Fang Xuan grabbed her: "Yibao, sit down for a while, Mom has something to ask you."

  Fengyi hesitated for a while, seeing that Fenghua had already opened the door and went out, she had to sit down: "Mom, what do you want to ask?"

  Fang Xuan looked at her tenderly, seeing that there was no trace on her face, she could not help secretly relieved.

   Then she asked casually: "Yibao, how have you been living these days? How are you living here?"

  Fengyi blinked, thinking she wanted to ask if the Ruan family was treating her well, so she said, "I live here quite well, look how beautiful this place is, and the food tastes good.

   Grandma Jiang and Aunt Tang are also very good. I had gauze on my face before, and they never disliked me and took good care of me. "

   Fang Xuan just heard her say "gauze" when she saw a ball of gauze on the table.

   She had thought that Feng Yi's face might not be seriously injured.

   Seeing the ball of gauze at this time, her face sank.

  I'm going crazy, my brain is so funny, I will post tomorrow's content directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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