Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 888: she is a magician

   Chapter 888 She is a magician

  Fenghua was shocked when he heard Ruan Tang's words: " bought it?"

   Ruan Tang nodded: "I made some medicines to sell, and they sold well, so I bought this yard. Is it strange?"

  Fenghua suddenly remembered that she was a magician, and suddenly felt no surprise.

  The ability of a magician is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and sometimes he can make a lot of money.

   If it weren't for the turbulent times in these years, the magician would still be the guest of many big families.

   What does it mean to buy a yard in a small county town?

   is the house in Longjing, and you can buy it casually.

   Thinking of this, Fenghua suddenly felt that Ruan Tang had grown taller.

   He looked at Ruan Tang with complicated eyes, and saw that her face was still a little childish, and she had a feeling of dreaming.

   Although she knew that Ruan Tang was a magician, she still had some great skills.

   But, isn't she too young?

   She is only a teenager this year, right?

  Have you been a teacher at such a young age?

  Fenghua thought for a while and said, "Tangtang, I know you are very powerful now, but you are still young, so it is better to be careful.

   In the current situation, you should be able to understand without me telling you that it is not appropriate to publicize your identity, it is better to keep a low profile. "

   Ruan Tang said immediately: "I'm very low-key."

  Fenghua: "..." Are you low-key? Why can't I see it?

  You went to Longjing and scratched Jiang Shiyu's face, how dare you say that you are low-key?

  Fenghua was a little angry and couldn't help but want to teach Ruan Tang a lesson. But after meeting her gaze, he was suddenly speechless again.

   Looking at Ruan Tang's eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, Feng Hua suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

   At this moment, he suddenly realized very clearly that Ruan Tang was not an ordinary child.

   She is a magician.

  Wait, Ruan Tang just said that her eyes can see some things that ordinary people can't see?

   She looks at him now, doesn't she see something?

   There shouldn't be any dirt on him, right?

  Fenghua suddenly became uneasy.

   Ruan Tang looked at his nervous appearance and couldn't help feeling a little funny, but at the same time felt relieved.

  When she found Fenghua, his heart was ashes, and he was supported by the thought of finding his daughter.

   Even though she was already very powerful at the time, Fenghua just begged her for help to find Fengyi, and there was no other response.

   As if he didn't know anything except looking for his daughter.

  There are no extra feelings.

   As now, I still know fear.

   Ruan Tang smiled: "You don't have to worry, it's very clean here. You can stay here, I'll ask someone to help with work.

  Yibao's memory, I will find a way. After all, she is my cousin by blood. Since I saved her, I will not let it go. "

  Fenghua hurriedly said: "We can do the work ourselves, you don't have to..."

   Ruan Tang interrupted him: "You are from other places. It's not easy to find a job."

   At this time, looking for a job mostly depends on relationships. Many jobs in factories are fixed, commonly known as iron rice bowls.

   If the parents can’t do anything, they can leave it to their children.

   In this case, it is naturally more difficult for outsiders to find a job.

   Ruan Tang intends to ask Xie Ci to help, otherwise, if Feng Hua and Fang Xuan can't find a job, what will happen to their food expenses?

   She doesn't mind paying the money for them, but Fenghua and the others will definitely mind.

   Anyway, there must be a way to say thank you, no need to be white.

  It's a big deal, she can help Xie Ci make some medicine.

   (end of this chapter)

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