Chapter 889 Crying red eyes

   Fenghua became entangled when he heard Ruan Tang's words. He wanted to refuse, but he also knew how difficult it would be to find a job in a foreign place where he was unfamiliar.

   Not to mention out of town, even in Longjing, it was not easy for him and Fang Xuan to find a job.

  Thinking of the cruel reality, it would be too hypocritical for him to refuse again.

  Since he and Fang Xuan decided to stay here, they had to work.

   It can't be, they all let Ruan Tang take care of their family of three, right?

   Therefore, he and Fang Xuan must find jobs as soon as possible.

  Anyway, they didn't dare to let Fengyi go out to work for the time being.

   Not to mention that she has no memory now, just the sudden disappearance of her before made them feel at ease.

  Fengyi had an accident on the way back from get off work, and suddenly disappeared and disappeared, no matter how you look for it.

   Ever since she disappeared, he and Fang Xuan have been regretting that they should not let her go out to work.

   Even now that Feng Yi is back, their psychological shadow cannot be removed in a short time.

   So, for a short time, let Feng Yi stay at home and paint.

   When things get better later, let her go out to work.

   Fenghua couldn't refuse Ruan Tang's kindness after thinking about it.

   So he looked at Ruan Tang tangled, but didn't know how to speak.

   Ruan Tang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Seeing him sitting there with a tangled face, he said, "Go back first, they should be in a hurry."

   She also has to go see Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu.

   Fenghua and Fang Xuan came over suddenly and recognized her identity.

   Although Jiang Chunshui and Tang Hongxiu chose to confess, they definitely felt bad.

   After all, it is a child who has been raised for more than ten years, and suddenly there is a blood relative, who can feel better?

  Jiang Chunshui's heart is not good, she has to go back and comfort her.

   Ruan Tang couldn't wait to see Jiang Chunshui and the others.

  Fenghua became worried about Fang Xuan and Fengyi after hearing her words, and felt that she should go back.

   Fang Xuan must be worried now!

   So he stood up decisively and said hesitantly, "Then...then I'll go back and see them first, and then I'll have a good chat with you later."

   Ruan Tang nodded: "Go, I'm going to see grandma and the others too."

   Fenghua completely calmed down when he heard this, turned around and walked quickly.

  After he left, Ruan Tang immediately cleaned up the coffee table and put away the ice drink cup and fruit plate.

   Then I went to Jiang Chunshui and the others.

   She went to the living room first, but found no one there.

   So he went to Jiang Chunshui's house again and found that Jiang Chunshui and the old man Ruan were there.

   The two of them didn't close the door and just sat in the room.

   When Ruan Tang came over, he saw Jiang Chunshui holding a handkerchief and wiping his tears from a distance.

   She felt sour, and hurried in.

   "Grandma, don't be sad, I will always be your granddaughter."

  Jiang Chunshui stiffened instantly, obviously not expecting her to come over suddenly.

   She quickly wiped away her tears, smiled at Ruan Tang and said, "You are wrong, grandma is not sad, of course you will always be granddaughter of grandma!"

   She smiled and denied it, but she didn't know that her eyes were red from crying, and she couldn't hide it at all.

   Ruan Tang walked over and hugged her, pretending that she didn't notice anything: "Well, I was wrong, so grandma is not sad."

  Jiang Chunshui nodded heavily: "Yes, grandma is happy. It's a good thing that you can find your relatives! Grandma has long thought that you are not the child of the Wang family, and you are not their family."

   (end of this chapter)

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