Chapter 949 He Xiuqing is proud

   He Xiuqing is not a good woman, and Zhao Guangyuan is not a good person either.

   Anyway, these two have obviously slept, so let's continue to hurt each other, and don't go to harm others.

  No one noticed Ruan Tang's small gestures except for the thank you speech.

   Zhao Yuting lost her face, but she was not reconciled, but thinking of the loss she had just suffered, she did not dare to provoke Ruan Tang again.

   could only grit his teeth and watch Ruan Tang leave.

  He Xiuqing was also quite unwilling, but when she saw that Zhao Yuting suffered a loss, how could she dare to say anything?

  If Ruan Tang continues to talk nonsense, she will lose her face!

   Ruan Tang and the others had to go to the elementary school to meet Ruan Aizhou and the others, so they didn't stay in the middle school for a long time and left soon.

After    walked out of the school, no one mentioned He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting, as if they had never seen their mother and daughter.

   On the contrary, Jiang Chunshui and the old man Ruan were secretly glad in their hearts.

   Thanks to Ruan Aizhou, he sent his two children to the elementary school to sign up, but he didn't come with him.

  Otherwise, what if Ruan Aizhou was stimulated by He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting?

   He was badly harmed by the mother and daughter. Although he has been divorced, who knows if he sees the scourge again, will he return to his old ways?

   It's a good thing that we haven't seen each other now.

   I met Ruan Aizhou later, and I had to let him go back to the village as soon as possible. Can't let him stay in the county, what if he encounters He Xiuqing?

   That woman is not a good thing!

  Jiang Chunshui secretly made up his mind, but said nothing on his face.

   And after they left, Zhao Guangyuan's face became even more ugly.

   He had a dark face, looked at Zhao Yuting with a bad look, saw her pear blossoms with tears, and looked at Chu Chu pitifully, his heart softened, and he couldn't bear to talk about her anymore.

   Zhao Yuting is still a child after all, and her birth is not something she can choose.

   Zhao Guangyuan looked at you, He Xiuqing, walked up to her, grabbed her wrist, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is Tingting's biological father? How many men have you been with?"

  He Xiuqing frowned in pain, and looked around in a panic. When he saw someone looking over, he quickly whispered, "Guangyuan, you hurt me, and there are still people watching!"

   She knew that Zhao Guangyuan was very respectful, and as long as she said so, Zhao Guangyuan would definitely not continue to ask questions.

   Sure enough, after Zhao Guangyuan heard this, he immediately looked around vigilantly. When he saw that someone was looking at them, he instantly changed his face and let go of He Xiuqing: "Go back and talk about it!"

  He Xiuqing let out a sigh of relief, but thinking of Zhao Guangyuan's sober tone just now, she knew that this matter was not over yet.

   But she wasn't too worried.

  Who is Zhao Yuting's biological father, as long as she doesn't say it, no one will know.

   There is no way to investigate this matter. Isn't it who she said she is?

  Is it possible that Zhao Guangyuan can still trust a strange girl and doesn't believe her words?

   They have been together for so many days, she knows Zhao Guangyuan too well. Zhao Guangyuan's temper is not very good, and his actions are not serious.

   But as long as she explained softly, Zhao Guangyuan would listen.

   Ruan Tang thought that Zhao Guangyuan would believe what she said? The dead girl is so naive!

   Thinking of this, He Xiuqing couldn't help but feel proud.

   However, the expression on her face was filled with unresolved sadness, as if she had suffered so much grievance and had nowhere to seek redress.

   Zhao Guangyuan was angry, and after registering for Zhao Yuting and Zhao Tiantian, he drove them back.

   (end of this chapter)

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