Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 950: The biological father is a wealthy young master

   Chapter 950 The biological father is the young master of a wealthy family

   Zhao Yuting was sitting in the car, but she was very unhappy.

When    came out, Zhao Guangyuan also said that after signing up, he would take them to a restaurant to eat delicious food.

   In the end, after hearing Ruan Tang's nonsense, Zhao Guangyuan actually refused to go to the restaurant.

   When she returns to Zhao's house later, Zhao Guangyuan will definitely ask her the identity of her biological father.

   She has been courting and behaving well these days, and it was difficult for Zhao Guangyuan to treat her as his own daughter. Now that she is mixed up by Ruan Tang's dead girl, all the hard work of the previous days was in vain!

   Zhao Yuting was very depressed and worried that He Xiuqing would not be able to fool her, so she looked at her worriedly.

   When she was at school before, she used the excuse of going to the toilet, took He Xiuqing with her, and secretly asked her if she could do anything.

  He Xiuqing told her not to worry, saying that Zhao Guangyuan would definitely not believe Ruan Tang's nonsense, and he didn't know if it was true.

   and her biological father, where is that person now?

   Will he marry another woman and have a daughter?

   She once asked He Xiuqing, and He Xiuqing said that her biological father was a young master from a wealthy family, but unfortunately, after the domestic unrest, he went abroad.

   He Xiuqing also said that when he left, he didn't know her existence.

  If he knew, he would definitely take their mother and daughter with him.

   She also said that he would definitely come back in the future.

   When the time comes, their family will be reunited, and she will be able to live a good life and become the eldest daughter.

   But, will that day really come back?

   Ruan Yuting imagined the day when she became the daughter of a daughter, and her heart beat fast.

   She grew up in the countryside, she has never seen anything in the world, and she is not written in books.

   can only be imagined from the words He Xiuqing said.

  He Xiuqing said that she used to follow her father and lived in a garden house. She wore endless beautiful dresses every day, and she was always picked up by luxury cars when she went out.

   There are also dedicated drivers.

   Whatever she wants, her father will deliver it to her.

  My father also gave her a lot of gemstone jewelry, and even a diamond the size of a pigeon egg, which hangs heavily around her neck, but shines very brightly, just like the stars in the sky.

  Unfortunately, all those jewelry were robbed later, and her beautiful clothes were also robbed.

   Nothing left now.

   So Ruan Yuting couldn't see with her own eyes what those beautiful gemstone necklaces looked like, she could only imagine the stars in the sky.

   Every time she thought about it, she couldn't help feeling that He Xiuqing was too useless.

  When her father went abroad, if she was with her, how could she have become a wild breed whose father was unknown and was bullied in the Ruan family?

   She is a daughter of gold, but she doesn't have enough food and clothes. She has neither beautiful skirts nor luxurious jewelry, and lives in a rural earthen house!

   Who did all this harm?

   Thinking of this, Ruan Yuting was so depressed that she wanted to cry.

   She sat in the car with a cold face, didn't say a word, just turned her head to look at the pedestrians on the road.

   Sometimes disgusted, sometimes envied.

   Zhao Tiantian sat next to her and suddenly sneered: "Ruan Yuting, who is your biological father? No way, even your mother doesn't know who your biological father is, right?"

   This is too much, and Ruan Yuting cried instantly.

   She turned her head sharply and stared at Zhao Tiantian, and said excitedly, "Who said my father is unknown? My father is..."

   She wanted to say that my father is the eldest young master of a wealthy family, but He Xiuqing interrupted her: "Tingting is the child of the Ruan family, but Ruan Tang has been targeting her and deliberately talking nonsense there."

   (end of this chapter)

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