Chapter 956 Sad Zhao Yuting

   When eating breakfast, Zhao Guangyuan deliberately praised Zhao Yuting several times in front of Zhao Tiantian, and even served food for Zhao Yuting in person.

   Zhao Tiantian looked at her, and her already dark face suddenly became even darker.

   She is still young and rectal, how can she understand the calculations of He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting?

   Even if she heard the words of her uncles and knew that she couldn't just get angry with Zhao Guangyuan, she couldn't do things like Zhao Yuting to please her.

   So she quickly finished her breakfast, then snorted coldly, picked up her schoolbag, and strode out.

   A brand new bicycle was parked in the yard, which her uncle bought for her.

   Zhao Tiantian pushed the bicycle and went out.

   Zhao Yuting gritted her teeth when she heard the movement.

   She also wants a bicycle, but a bicycle is not cheap, and you need a bicycle ticket to buy it. Although Zhao Guangyuan was nice to her, he would definitely refuse to ask him to buy a bicycle.

   Also, she couldn't bring this up.

   Can only wait any longer.

   Zhao Yuting thought about it and deliberately ate slowly.

   After eating, he poured tea and water to Zhao Guangyuan, who was extremely attentive and well-behaved.

   Zhao Guangyuan has only Zhao Tiantian, a biological daughter, and Zhao Tiantian's temperament is not good. He doesn't know how much he is angry.

   Now that he has a beautiful, well-behaved daughter, Zhao Guangyuan is naturally overjoyed.

   After all, people's hearts are fleshy. When he saw Zhao Yuting being so filial to him, how could he not like it?

   So when he saw that Zhao Yuting had to clear the desk, he said, "Don't clear the desk for now, you should go to school quickly, be careful of being late."

   Zhao Yuting smiled obediently: "It doesn't matter, I'll clean up the table and kitchen first, and then sweep the floor. It should be in time. If it's late, I can run."

   He Xiuqing immediately said, "How can this be done? Look how poisonous the sun is outside? You've been running all this way, and your clothes should be soaking wet."

After   , she looked at Zhao Guangyuan.

   Although he didn't say anything, his eyes seemed to contain a thousand words.

   Zhao Guangyuan thought of the sweet dream last night, and he was a little more soft-hearted and indulgent towards her, so he immediately said: "Well, when you finish packing, I will drive you to school."

   Zhao Yuting's smile almost broke when she heard this.

  This is not what she wants!

   She was just talking. Zhao Guangyuan really wanted her to clean up. As expected, he wasn't his biological father, or he didn't know he felt bad for her.

   Zhao Tiantian does nothing all day long. Although Zhao Guangyuan blames her, she never really asks her to work.

   What a hypocrisy!

   Zhao Yuting slandered in her heart, but in front of Zhao Guangyuan, she did not dare to express her dissatisfaction. She could only really clean up the table and take the bowl to the kitchen to wash.

   After finishing cleaning, she washed her hands, wiped off the body lotion, and followed Zhao Guangyuan out with her schoolbag on her back.

   Zhao Guangyuan really took her to school in a minivan.

   Zhao Yuting was sitting in the van, but she couldn't help but miss the car she sat in yesterday.

   Zhao Guangyuan's small truck is quite old, and there is still a bad smell in the car. It doesn't look imposing at all, and it is far from yesterday's car.

   Zhao Yuting felt a little disgusted in her heart.

   It wasn't until she saw students walking to school on the side of the road, or passers-by in simple clothes, that she felt better.

   Who knew that as soon as she arrived at the school gate, she met Ruan Tang and Ruan Mingxin!

   (end of this chapter)

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