Chapter 957

  Since she met at school yesterday, Zhao Yuting knew that she would definitely see Ruan Tang at school in the future.

   But she didn't expect that they would meet so soon!

   More importantly, Ruan Tang and Ruan Mingxin were actually riding bicycles!

   Especially Ruan Tang's bike, it's so beautiful, she's never seen that refreshing color!

   Both bikes looked brand new, making Zhao Yuting jealous.

   She stared at Ruan Tang's bicycle and couldn't help but ask, "Ruan Tang, where did you get the bicycle?"

   The Ruan family doesn’t have much money, how can Ruan Tang afford a bicycle?

   Not only did she buy it, but Ruan Mingxin actually bought it too. What's going on?

  Where did they get the money?

   Could it be... the money that was stolen from her mother?

   Zhao Yuting thought of this possibility, and she was so angry that she almost clenched her teeth.


   She knew that Ruan Tang didn't have a good heart when he corrupted the money!

   also said that the old lady was ill and needed to be treated, and she also gave Ruan Minggong and Ruan Mingjian alimony.

   But what about the result?

   She actually used it to buy a bicycle!

   Does she want a face!

   At this time, Zhao Yuting had just got off the pickup, and Zhao Guangyuan had not driven the car away.

Ruan Tang glanced at Zhao Guangyuan's pickup with a half-smile, and then looked at Zhao Yuting mockingly, sneering: "Of course I bought it, could it be stolen? Zhao Yuting, did your father send you to school? How to change it? Got a car? It seems that your dad is very good, there are actually two cars at home."

   Zhao Guangyuan felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

   The car yesterday was not his, he had the cheek to borrow it from someone.

   He looked at Ruan Tang and saw that she was very beautiful and amiable, but it didn't make life feel bad.

   Just thinking of what He Xiuqing said yesterday, he still frowned and got out of the car, stood beside Zhao Yuting, and said to Ruan Tang angrily, "Little girl, you are not young, how can you bully others?"

   The other party is a little girl, so it is not easy for him to directly deal with people.

   Ruan Tang smiled, but before she could speak, Ruan Mingxin, who was beside him, scolded him: "Hey, are you a person with bad ears?

   Who is bullying people? It's obviously Ruan Yuting who bullies people there, can't you see that?

  What's wrong with my sister riding a bicycle? Why can't she ride a bike? Why does Ruan Yuting ask that? My sister's bike has nothing to do with her! "

   Zhao Guangyuan still had some patience with the pretty girl, but in the face of a young man like Ruan Mingxin, his patience was not so good.

   He narrowed his eyes and looked at Ruan Mingxin displeasedly: "What did you say kid? Dare to say it again?"

   How dare you call him deaf!

   Seeing this, Ruan Tang's face instantly turned cold. She looked directly at Zhao Guangyuan: "Why, you are so old, you still want to bully my brother as a child?"

While    spoke, she moved her fingers secretly.

   Zhao Guangyuan squinted at her, and was about to get angry when the small truck behind him suddenly heard a loud bang!

   He was startled, and quickly turned his head to look at the car. How could he even bother to find the two children?

   Ruan Mingxin and Zhao Yuting were also taken aback.

   Especially Zhao Yuting, she was close to the car and her back was facing the car.

   There was a loud noise behind her, which made her shiver on the spot.

   After a long while, she turned around and looked at the pickup worriedly.

   (end of this chapter)

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