Chapter 965 It's actually her

   Ruan Tang always felt that He Xiuqing had a hole in his brain, and the hole was not shallow.

   If a woman has no other ability and can only play some tricks to play with people's hearts, how promising can she be?

   Is it possible to pin your hopes on men?

  He Xiuqing is a master at manipulating people's hearts, but she has not been abandoned by Zhao Lanting.

   Having received such a big lesson, I still don’t know how to learn it well.

   What more could she say?

   Zhao Yuting is not her daughter anyway, so what she learns in the end has nothing to do with her.

After    Ruan Tang slandered, he stopped thinking about it.

   The morning class was quite boring, but the teacher taught it well, even though Ruan Tang had already learned it before.

   Although I have said it for so many years, some memories are not very clear.

   But her grades are already very good, and it is much easier to learn it now than when she first learned it.

   Basically just read it once.

   No need for a teacher at all.

  The teacher was talking over and over there, but it was too long-winded for her.

   Ruan Tang endured it all morning, and after school at noon, he made up his mind that he would let the servants come to listen to the class in the future.

   By the way, that servant puppet can also do some sacrifices, not only can help her to listen to the class, but also help protect Ruan Mingxin.

   Even if she is lazy and can't come to school in the future, she doesn't have to worry about Ruan Mingxin's accident.

   When the school bell rang, Ruan Tang walked out of the classroom with Ruan Mingxin.

   They have bicycles, so they can go home quickly, so they don't have to stay at school, they can go back by bicycle.

   Who knew that not far from the school gate, Ruan Tang noticed the familiar maliciousness.

   She looked over subconsciously, but didn't see anyone, so she said to 008: "Xiaohua, go and see, who is there!"

  008 is very straightforward this time: [You wait, I'll go right over. 】

   It was still invisible, so no one could see it except Ruan Tang.

   Ruan Tang continued to ride the bicycle, but deliberately slowed down.

   Ruan Mingxin rode for a while, and when he saw that Ruan Tang had actually fallen behind, he stopped and turned to see what happened to her.

   Ruan Tang was waiting for 008. Seeing him stop, he didn't say anything.

  Fortunately, 008 came back very quickly. As soon as it came back, he said excitedly: [God, guess who I just saw? It's actually Wang Zhaodi! She was hiding in the alley, her hair was gray, and she looked like a crazy woman! 】

   "It was her."

   Ruan Tang immediately understood why there was such a strong malice.

  Wang Zhaodi has been blackened for a long time, and then suffered a big change, and was calculated to lose 20 years of life, from a young girl to an old woman.

   Everyone has to be completely blackened.

  Wang Zhaodi's temperament is weird. She was abused, but she didn't have the courage to resist her abuser. Instead, she transferred her hatred to her, and wanted to entangle Ruan Mingcheng and get out of the fire pit of the Wang family.

   Now that she has become an old woman, her twisted mind is about to twist into a roller coaster.

   Can you not hate her?

   No wonder malice is so strong.

   Just now, was Wang Zhaodi peeking at her?

  It doesn't matter how she got to the county seat, looking at her current appearance, I'm afraid she wants revenge.

   Ruan Tang's face sank when he thought of this.

   She rode her bike and slowly picked up her speed.

  Wang Zhaodi wanted to take revenge on her, but she was not afraid. It's just that Wang Zhaodi hasn't had time to do anything yet. If she shoots against Wang Zhaodi in advance, she will inevitably suffer some karma.

   It is better to wait for Wang Zhaodi to take action.

   At that time, she will be able to take revenge with confidence.

   (end of this chapter)

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